This is the 19th bulletin with the nominated artists for PIPA 2012.There will be a total of 20 bulletins and 117 nominees.
As in the previous editions, we announce the nominees in 4 daily bulletins, to highlight every nominated artist. The bulletins are published exclusively at our website, always at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm (GMT-3).
The order in which the names are shown is not indicative of classification – the names were randomly selected among the 117 nominated artists.
The artists that run for PIPA, are chosen by the members of the Nominating Committee 2012. Each member nominate up to 5 artists.
We publish all the names sent by the members of the Nominating Committee 2012
Only the nominated artists that sign the “Term of Participation” and accomplish all the requirements of PIPA Coordination within the terms fixed, are considered Participating Artist and may run for the awards.
The artists whose names are underlined ( indicating link) have participated on PIPA previous editions, therefore have pages on our website. Click on the name of the artist to visit his/her profile page where you can find videos, pictures and texts about him/her.
Please read below the nominees for this 19th bulletin:
- Marta Neves
- Laís Myrrha (PIPA 2010 nominated)
- Solon Ribeiro
- C L Salvaro
- Estela Sokol
To understand the announcement procedure of the nominees for PIPA 2012 click here.
For more details about PIPA read the Regulation.
To check all the artists that have participated in previous editions click here.
Click here to read the 18th bulletin with 6 other nominees for 2012.