Daily Archives: May 15, 2014

Last days | “Love and Aggression” by Marcelo Solá

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) These are the last days to visit the solo exhibition, where a new series of drawings by Marcelo Solá is being presented. About the exhibition, Agnaldo Farias says: “His work is almost exclusively in black, attacking the white surface of the paper or a wall, and can never be seen simply in terms of classical drawing on a sheet of paper. It gouges out rugged figures, striking cutting lines into the support; smearing it with blurs, scribbles, regular strokes, obsessively executed with carefully calibrated abandon, to the point where they cut out the noise, border on the incomprehensible.”

MAC meets the artists | Iara Freiberg

(São Paulo, Brazil) MAC USP proposes new relationships between the Museum, contemporary art and artists from the city and the country, building a space for presentations and debates on Brazilian artistic production and working as a platform for an effective Museum action with the art community, field scholars and the general public. The talks will be held in Portuguese. Next Tuesday, the 29th, the meeting will be with artist Iara Freiberg.

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