Nearly all first-time nominee pages have been created, leaving out just eight artists pages to be created. Brand new information and artwork images by six PIPA 2014 nominees are now available on our website. Artists can send in all sort of data about them, this includes not just a CV or visual documentation of their work, but also curatorial texts and interviews.
This week we created pages for the following artists:
Felipe Prando
From a small town in southern Brazil, Felipe works as an associate-curator at “Fórum Permanente: Museus de Arte; entre o público e o privado” and as a photography professor of the design course at Universidade Positivo (UP), Curitiba, PR, Brazil, specialization in visual arts coordinator at UP, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
Fernando Mendonça
Born in an extremely poor village in the Maranhão state, to a saxophonist and handyman father and an artisan, seamstress mother, Fernando began his artistic education in 1978 when he joined the group “Laborarte” (important in the cultural life of São Luís in the 70s and 80s).
Layla Motta
At the age of only 26, Layla has taken a photography course at the International Center of Photography, in New York, has held several exhibitions since her debut in 2011 and has been awarded at the 4th Salão de Artistas sem Galeria.
Luiz Roque
Luiz‘s work has been individually exhibited in place such as Paço das Artes (São Paulo), Ateliê Subterrânea (Porto Alegre) and PHOSPHORUS (São Paulo) and also in group shows like “Video Links Brazil (Tate Modern, London, England, 2007) and “Futuro do Pretérito (Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2012).
Marcelo Jácome
Rio-based, Marcelo Jácome develops his language through collages, objects and installations, drawing on the relationships between two and three dimensional planes, place and void, inside and outside, dissolution ofform and autonomy of colour.
Maurício Ianês
Many of Ianês’ works try to deconstruct the relations between artist/ artwork and spectator, inviting the public to actively participate on his actions to create situations of exchange, where language and its social roles come into play.
Mayana Redin
It is possible to realize through Mayana Redin’s work, interests in geographical, cosmological, philosophical and for other forms of fiction created by imagination and by world objects, using, for this, different artistic languages: from appropriating images and objects, to design, video and photography.
See the PIPA 2014 nominated artists pages, click here for the full list.