(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Why is it important that art is close to education and vice-versa? What are the social purposes of this relationship? By believing in this “need for art”, or for education, what other necessities can we foresee in the relationship between the two?
The exhibition “Há escolas que são gaiolas e há escolas que são asas” [“Some schools are cages and some schools are wings”], on view at Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR), is an analysis of the relationship between art and education through paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations, objects and documents.
The exhibition, whose title is a quote by writer Rubem Alves, is part of the project Arte e Sociedade no Brasil [Art and Society in Brazil], which began with the 2013 show “O abrigo e o terreno” [“Shelter and terrain”] and is dedicated to thinking about the role of Brazilian art in otherness and social relations.
The over 180 pieces that integrate the show have been divided into four clusters:
Dispositivos [Devices]: instruments of educational purpose are exhibited, as are artworks that incorporate elements of the school universe, such as those of artists Felipe Barbosa e Paulo Meira (picture above).
Linguagem [Language]: word and idiom are highlighted, as is handwriting and its ways of making signs expressive.
Processos [Processes]: In an installation, Marilá Dardot creates maps together with visitors. The result are books that become part of the exhibition.
Teorias [Theories]: discussion of the works by Anísio Teixeira, Paulo Freire and Darcy Ribeiro. Jonathas de Andrade approaches Freire’s literacy method with the series “Educação para adultos” [“Education for adults”].
Featured artists: Abdoulaya M’Boup, Aberrant Architecture, Adriana Varejão, Alberto da Veiga Guignard, Alina Okinaka, Almeida Júnior, Almeida Santos, Ana Miguel, Andrea Lanna, Angela Detanico e Rafael Lain, Anísio Teixeira, Anna Bella Geiger, Anna Linnemann, Arnaldo Antunes, Augusto Malta, Bill Lühmann, Bruno Faria, Chico Pereira, Cinthia Marcelle, Daniel Santiago, Danilo Ribeiro, Darcy Ribeiro, David Ádamo, Dona Januária de Bragança, Elida Tessler, Emmanuel Nassar, Fábio Caffé, Felipe Barbosa, Felipe Cohen, Fernando Lindote e Raul Antelo, Flavio Cerqueira, Francisco Brennand, Francisco Duarte Graça, Francisco Fernandes, Fundação Casa Grande, Grupo Empreza, Güler Ates, Gustavo Speridião, Harad Schultz, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Helô Sanvoy, Hilal Sami Hilal, Hiroshige, Instituto Arte na Escola, Instituto Desiderata, Irmandade do Senhor do Bom Jesus dos Martírios dos Homens Pretos, Ivens Machado, Jarbas Lopes, Jonathas de Andrade, Jorge Menna Barreto, José Damasceno, Josef Albers, Jota Rodriguez, Kunisada II, Leila Danziger, Lenora de Barros, Leon Ferrari, Lívia Flores, Luciana Paiva, Luiz Rosa, Manuel de Andrade de Figueiredo, Marcio Sampaio, Mariam Qiola, Marilá Dardot, Massao Okinaka, Maurício Silva, Mehmet Şahin, Mestre Piranga, Milton Guran, Mira Schendel, Mirian Benetti, Modesto Brosco, Nelson Leirner, Nice Firmeza, Noemisa Batista dos Santos, Nuno Ramos, Oscar Niemeyer, Oscar Pereira da Silva, Paulo Bruscky, Paulo Freire, Paulo Meira, Priscila Monge, Regina de Paula, Ricardo Basbaum, Roberto Winter, Rosana Palazyan, Rosana Ricalde, S. Fuez, Santa-Olalla, Sem-Terrinhas, Tomie Ohtake, Umut Eren, Universidade das Quebradas, Victor Monteiro, Vincent Carelli, Vitor Cesar e Gaziela Kunsch, Walmor Corrêa, Waltercio Caldas, Yoko Ono, Zezinho Yube
“Há escolas que são gaiolas e há escolas que são asas”, with Ana Miguel, Cinthia Marcelle, Danilo Ribeiro, Felipe Barbosa, Felipe Cohen, Grupo Empreza, Gustavo Speridião, Jonathas de Andrade, Lenora de Barros, Luciana Paiva, Marilá Dardot, Paulo Meira, Regina de Paula and Roberto Winter
On view through 11th January 2015
Visiting: Tuesdays to Sundays, from 10am to 5pm
Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR)
Praça Mauá, 15 – Zona portuária
55 21 3031 2741