Human body is approached through various techniques and medias in group show

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Camila Soato, Daniel Lannes, Danielle Carcav, Fábio Baroli, Marcelo Amorim, Rodrigo Bivar, Rodrigo Cunha, Thiago Martins de Melo and Vânia Mignone are some of the artists featured in the group show “Figura Humana” [“Human Figure”], which is on view at Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro.

Different generations of contemporary Brazilian production meet in “Figura Humana”. From famous 1980s painters to young artists in their twenty-somethings, they all reflect on the possibilities of the body through a wide range of languagens and techniques, like watercolour, guache, oil, acrylic and even spray on wood, metal, linen and canvas. Among them is Rio-based Cristina Canale, with a solid production since the 1980s and considered one of the most important Brazilian painters nowadays.

The project also gathers works by Thiago Martins de Melo, PIPA finalist this year, and Rodrigo Martins, the youngest of the featured artists, as well as Brasília-based Camila Soato, PIPA Popular Vote Exhibition winner in 2013. All of them contribute persistently to what regards the core of the body in all their imagery.

“The exhibition reveals the diversity of painting the human body. Some artists use colours in a more visceral, expressive way, while others are closer to a more detailed, meticulous sight”, explains curator Raphael Fonseca.

“Figura Humana”, group show with Camila Soato, Daniel Lannes, Danielle Carcav, Fábio Baroli, Marcelo Amorim, Rodrigo Bivar, Rodrigo Cunha, Thiago Martins de Melo and Vânia Mignone
On view through 14th December
Visiting: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 9pm

Caixa Cultural Rio de Janeiro
Galeria 4
Avenida Almirante Barroso 25, Centro
T.: 55 21 39803815

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