Opening | Situações Brasília 2014 Prize awards 25 artists

(Brasília, Brazil)

The Federal District Contemporary Art Prize, Situações Brasília 2014, opens today an exhibition gathering 20 artists through an open announcement, among them Beto Shwafaty, Erica Ferrari, Marcelo Moscheta, Mariana Manhães and Regina de Paula.

Another five artists were invited to participate in the group show and had works donated to the National Museum of the Republic, where the exhibition is being held; they are Luiz Braga, Lucia Koch, Rodrigo Braga, Gê Orthof and Paulo Monteiro.

Until the 11th January 2015, artworks that offer a broad view of the Brazilian contemporary production will be presented. The public has the chance of seeing up close pieces that span different media, languages and materials.

Beto Shwafaty
Shwafaty presents artworks comprising photographs, collages, objects, etc.

Erica Ferrari
Eric is displaying boards referencing palaces from different Brazilian states.

Marcelo Moscheta – “Fotocromáticos”
Series of black-and-white images placed on boards with Pantone colour codes – used as reference in the graphic materials representation standard.

Mariana Manhães – “Thisthose (Window Shutters)”
Animation of a talking breathing window, presented in a small screen.

Regina de Paula – “Bandeiras”
“Bandeiras” videowork shot at the Avdat archaeological ruins, a site founded by Nabataens, Arabs ancestors and Israeli territory. Regina also presents photographies and the piece “Sobre a areia”.

Situações Brasília 2014
With works by Beto Shwafaty, Erica Ferrari, Luiz Braga, Lucia Koch, Gê Orthof, Marcelo Moscheta, Mariana Manhães, Regina de Paula and Rodrigo Braga
On view through 11th January 2015
Visiting: Tues-Sun, 9am to 6.30pm
T.: 55 61 3325-5220 / 3325-6410

Museu Nacional da República
Setor Cultural Sul, Lote 2
Esplanada dos Ministérios – Asa Sul

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