For this edition of PIPA Prize, 66 nominated artists agreed with the Regulation and sent the documentation asked during the established time. The Participating Artists list is heterogeneous, with artists from various geographic regions, ages and medias. Among these artists, 28 were nominees in previous editions or the Prize. 2 of them have been finalists: Wagner Malta Tavares, in 2014; and Rodrigo Braga in 2012, when he was elected by the MAM’s visitors, winner of the Popular Vote Exhibition award.The other 37 artists were nominated for the first time this year.
Read below the final list of PIPA 2015 Participating Artists:
(click on the artists names to learn more about his/her career and works)
Adriano Amaral
Ana Mazzei
Ana Ruas
Antonio Bokel
Armando Queiroz
Arthur Scovino
Ayrson Heráclito
Benedito Nunes
Bruno Dunley
Bruno Kurru
Caetano Dias
Camila Sposati
Clara Ianni
Cristiano Lenhardt
Debora Bolsoni
Éder Oliveira
Fabiana Faleiros
Fábio Magalhães
Felipe Cama
Fernando Lindote
Fernando Piola
Frederico Filippi
Gabriel Giucci
Gabriel Mascaro
Gaio Matos
Gisele Camargo
Gustavo Speridião
Gustavo Von Ha
Ícaro Lira
Joana Cesar
João Castilho
João Loureiro
Jorge Menna Barreto
Juan Parada
Lais Myrrha
Leticia Ramos
Lucia Laguna
Luciana Magno
Luiz Braga
Luiz Mauro
Luiz Roque
Marilá Dardot
Marina Rheingantz
Maxim Malhado
Michel Zózimo
Oriana Duarte
Paloma Bosquê
Paulo Vivacqua
Pedro Caetano
Rafael RG
Raïssa de Góes
Raquel Versieux
Rodrigo Braga
Rodrigo Garcia Dutra
Romy Pocztaruk
Sofia Borges
Tuti Minervino
Vijai Patchineelam
Virginia de Medeiros
Wagner Malta Tavares
Waléria Américo