(Brasília, Brazil)
Next Tuesday, the 14th July, at 8pm, in the Galeria Acervo at CAIXA Cultural Brasília, will be announced the winners of TRANSBORDA Brasília – Contemporary Art Prize, which has selected about 40 works among over 400 oeuvres presented by 120 artists in the Brazilian capital and surroundings. The first three places will be awarded study grants, artistic counselling and acquisition prize. The artists running for the prizes are André Santangelo, Camila Soato, César Becker, Felipe Cavalcante, Gregório Soares, Hermano Luz, Iris Helena, Isabella Carneiro, Janaína Miranda, Julia Milward, Karina Dias, Leopoldo Wolf, collective TresPe, Nina Orthof, Osvaldo, Pedro Ivo Verçosa, Raquel Nava, Renato Rios, Rodrigo Cruz and Virgilio Neto.
The 20 artists works were chosen by a jury comprising some of the main names in the visual arts field in Brasília and the whole country. The same jury will decide the contest winners. They are:
– Agnaldo Farias – curator at the 29th São Paulo Biennial and the 54th Venice Biennale Brazilian pavillion;
– Cristiana Tejo – curator of the 32nd MAM-SP Brazilian Art Panorama and Marcantonio Vilaça Prize;
– Fernando Cocchiarale – former MAM-Rio director, art critic, curator and professor at the Parque Lage Visual Arts School;
– Marília Panitz – master in Contemporary Art and independent curator;
– Ralph Gehre – artist and curator, Funarte prize juror.
The first place will receive an acquisition prize for the Culture Secretary in the amoung of ten thousand Reais, a study grant to a course lectured by Charles Watson, in Rio de Janeiro, and enrollment in a artistic counselling programme carried out by Cristian Tejo, for six months, in Brasília.
The second place will have their works acquired by the Culture Secretary in the worth of six thousand Reais, win a study grant for a course lectured by Charles Watson and will participate in a artistic counselleing programme carried out by Cristian Tejo, for six months, in Brasília.
The third place will have their works acquired by the Culture Secretary in the worth of six thousand Reais and participate in a programme carried out by Cristiana Tejo, for six months, in Brasília. All the awarded artworks will feature in an itinerary exhibition, to be held in different regions of the capital.
All the works by the 20 selected artists, including the top three places, will be showcased from the 15th July through 20th September, in the Galeria Acervo at CAIXA Cultural Brasília.