PIPA Prize 2016: A selection of the best critical texts of the year

If 2016 was to be described in a word, it may as well be “intense”. PIPA Institute didn’t go by unscathed. Starting in January, when Luiz Camillo Osorio, former Curator of MAM-Rio, took on the mission to plan the next steps of PIPA Institute as its Curator-in-Chief, all the way to today, the Institute’s structure and day-by-day have in many ways been transformed. Its goal has, however, stayed the same: becoming a window into Brazilian contemporary art, using our online platforms and the Prize itself as a way to promote and generate reflections on the art that is currently being produced in Brazil.

PIPA Prize websites have, in fact, grown considerably since its beginning, almost 7 years ago. Along with our ever-expanding artist database, which features the 335 artists PIPA Prize nominees, and the making of a daily cultural calendar, the Curator of PIPA Institute Luiz Camillo Osorio has also started to collaborate monthly with our online platform, reflecting on the current state of the arts in Brazil and abroad and conducting interviews with artists and art professionals. With that in mind, the PIPA Institute team decided to select a few of the highlights of PIPA Prize’s website in 2016. Read it below:






These were the 2016’s highlights. When it comes to 2017, PIPA Prize wishes for Brazilian contemporary art to be even more viewed—and discussed, and questioned.

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA