Meet the PIPA Prize 2017 Winner

(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

This Saturday, November 18th, we announced the winner of PIPA Prize 2017, chosen by the 2017 Award Jury, and the artist with the highest number of votes given by the public during the finalists exhibition, the PIPA Prize Popular Vote winner. The event took place at MAM-Rio, where the Finalists’ Exhibition is on view until November 26th.

The definition of the winner took place during the Award Jury meeting at MAM-Rio, where the members of the 2017 Award Jury, Luiz Camillo Osorio, Fernando Cocchiarale, Consuelo Bassanesi, Leda Catunda and Marcelo Campos, analyzed the finalists’ portfolios and trajectories; works showcased at the PIPA Prize Exhibition at MAM-Rio; and the relevance of the Prize for each of the artists’ career. The weight of these factors is always at the sole discretion of the Award Jury members, and may even vary from year to year.

PIPA Winner


The grand winner of the PIPA Prize 2017 was Bárbara Wagner. The artist will receive a financial donation and a three-month participation in a residency programme at Residency Unlimited, New York, in 2018. The total amount corresponds to R$130,000. As the winner, the artist will also donate a work to the PIPA Institute.

Her photographic practice is centered on the ‘popular body’ and its strategies of visibility and subversion between the fields of pop culture and tradition. Since 2011, she works in collaboration with artist Benjamin de Burca (Munich, 1975) with whom she participated in the 33rd And 35th Panorama de Arte Brasileira (MAM, Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo), 4th Biennale des Arts Actuéls (La Réunion, France), 36th EVA International (Limerick, Ireland ), 5th Marcantonio Vilaça Prize, 32nd São Paulo Biennial,  5th Skulptur Projekte Münster and the 20th Festival de Arte Contemporânea Sesc Videobrasil. She currently lives and works in Recife, Brazil.

Watch an exclusive video interview with the artist, produced by DoRio Filmes, and view images of works showcased at the PIPA Prize 2017 finalists exhibition.


Bárbara Wagner is showcasing two series at the exhibition, both about typical Northeastern dances. The first, “The Courtege”, portrays a group of a traditional Brazilian dance called Maracatu moments before they leave for a Carnaval parade. The second, “Set to Go”, produced in partnership with Benjamin de Burca, features both photos and a video to understand how can movements so different such as those of pop and frevo (another regional dance) can be performed by the same body.

PIPA Popular Vote Exhibition Winner


The artist from Pará, Éder Oliveira  who reproduced in the museum walls, one of his works from the series “Arquivamento” (“Filing”), was the artist with the highest number of votes given by the public during the course of the PIPA Prize finalists exhibition. Éder received 643 votes, out of 1807, during the voting period from September 23rd until November 5th, and is declared the PIPA Popular Vote Exhibition Winner. The artist will receive a financial donation of R$24,000 and will also donate a work to the PIPA Institute.

Born in Timboteua (Pará), in 1983. With a degree in Art Education, he conducts his production between the topics of portrait, identity, marginalization and Amazônia, using as research source the social observation and police pages of newspapers printed in Belém. He works with different mediums, such as oils, interventions, site-specific and objects. Éder’s recent solo exhibitions were “Painting – or the Photography as Violence” (Fundação Clóvis Salgado, Belo Horizonte, 2017; Kunsthalle Lingen, Germany, 2016), “You Are the Arrow” (Periscópio, Belo Horizonte, 2016) and “Red Pages” (Blau Projects, São Paulo, 2015).

Watch an exclusive video interview with the artist, produced by DoRio Filmes, and view images of works on view at the PIPA Prize 2017 finalists exhibition.

In addition to the site-specific panel developed at MAM-Rio, the artist also presented three smaller works from the same series, portraying individual pointed out as criminals by Belém do Pará’s yellow press.

The PIPA Institute team would like to congratulate and thank both Antonio Obá and Carla Guagliardi for the works presented during the PIPA Prize finalists exhibition. Next week we will present a video of the official announcement at MAM-Rio.

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