Another five video-interviews featuring this edition’s nominees have been published to our website! Watch below as Ana Prata, Gustavo Torrezan, Marcia Thompson, Raquel Nava and Raquel Versieux talk work, career, inspirations and much more in videos produced exclusively for PIPA Prize in partnership with Do Rio Filmes.
Ana Prata
“I’d never considered being a professional artist, as I knew no artists personally,” says Ana Prata, nominated for PIPA Prize for the second time this year. After graduating in Social Sciences, however, she decided to give it a shot. Today a prolific painter, she declares she doesn’t rely on any specific processes when it comes to creating art.
Gustavo Torrezan
Gustavo Torrezan’s work is all about power structures. Articulating ideas such as memory, space, and national governments through various media and techniques – his oeuvre includes from a wi-fi platform to site-specific installations spread around town – his aim is to evidence or tension already existing power relations.
Marcia Thompson
Also nominated for PIPA for the first time this year, Marcia Thompson spent ten years only producing white-coloured works. The self-imposed limitation – ”I got interested in painting and by the paint’s sensuality. I believed colours could deflect me from my interests,” she tells – opened up a thousand possibilities for her. It was only after many experimentations that, recently, the artist started using colour again. “In a certain way, I try to pursue an uncertainty, a doubt,” she reflects.
Raquel Nava
“There are kids who have never seen a living chicken, but they’ve watched ‘Lottie Dottie Chicken’ countless times”, blurts out Raquel Nava, yet another artist nominated for the Prize for the first time this year. Her work revolves around the theme, discussing the relationship between humans and animals in urban life. Through installations, paintings, objects and photos, she thus criticizes cultural and consumption contemporary habits, which tend to buy and use things without knowing its precedence first.
Raquel Versieux
Since 2015, when she was nominated for PIPA Prize for the first time, Raquel Versieux has been exploring the representation of the natural landscape. Graduated in Anthropology, she says her initial formation – since then, she has also become a Bachelor in Drawing, and completed a Masters in Visual Languages – helped her give a special status to the materials she chooses to work with, really breaking down its roots. “It’s in this search that I’m going to find the reason why I picked this material to be part of my work.”
Eager for more? Click here to see the pages of all the artists nominated for PIPA Prize 2018.