Ícaro Lira is one of the participating artists of this week’s Four Flags 2020 São Paulo, a temporary project brought to fruition by Galeria Jaqueline Martins in connection with Dutch curators Julia Mullié and Nick Terra, and bred by the urgency of these new times. Twice a week, new flags are installed at the gallery facade. All flags are produced in editions of 4 + 1 A.P and all sales income are fully directed to the artists.
Already underway in Amsterdam, the project sprang from a desire to develop ways of encouraging artmaking amid this shutdown, but also as an opportunity to generate revenue so artists in the gallery’s scene will remain productive. Some of the artists that have already participated in Four Flags 2020 São Paulo are: Thomaz Rosa, Ana Mazzei, Pedro França, Maria Noujaim, Luiza Crosman, Deyson Gilbert and Pontogor.
The gallery also shared this intention:
“We hope initiatives such as this will be regarded not as temporary solutions to the current situation, but as food for thought on how exhibitions and cultural projects occupy institutional spaces around the world. Four Flags is a reminder that secondary materials and temporality are also necessary qualities in art”.
You can check out here Ícaro Lira’s flag in display: