Janaina Wagner: "Curupira laçada pelo progresso", 2021, print on cotton paper, 16 x 8 cm, courtesy of the artist

Brazilian artists participate in the group show “Cuando no hay sombra es meiodía”

(Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia)

From May 14th until July 16th, Nube Gallery presents the group show Cuando no hay sombra es meiodía, featuring 18 artists from different generations that work in Brazil and in Bolivia, including Isael Maxakali, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Janaina Wagner, Rodrigo Braga and Runo Lagomarsino.

The show explores multiple reflections on nature’s relation with humankind and on the idea of Latin America. Having as a starting point the dialogues between the artist Frederico Filippi and the curator Juliana Caffé concerning the ideas discussed by Filippi in his works – such as the invention of perspective, confusion as Latin America’s founding myth and nature as an active subject of history –, the exhibition challenges human reality as a symbolic collective universe. The works presented in the show unfold the meanings of the dialogue set as the curatorial axis, expanding its reflections and revealing other points of view in a journey that questions the contemporary notion of the world and highlights the capacity of the rich natural and cultural Latin American universe to inspire other social and knowledge arrangements.

Cuando no hay sombra es meiodía is organized by KIOSKO Galería and is a result of the curatorial research made by Juliana Caffé in Kiosko’s Residencies program 2020-2021. The exhibition counts with works by Charles Bicalho and Isael Maxakali, Cildo Meireles, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Elvira Espejo Ayca, Frederico Filippi, Iván Cáceres, Janaina Wagner, Maria Pankararu and Sebastián Gerlic, Narda Alvarado, Noara Quintana, ozZo Ukumari, Renata De Bonis, Rodrigo Braga, Runo Lagomarsino, Santiago Contreras Soux, Tejedoras del Isoso Sumbi Regua, and Thiago Rocha Pitta.

Cuando no hay sombra es meiodía
From May 14th until July 16th

Nube Gallery
Calle Arenales # 319 Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia
Visiting hours: from 4 to 9 pm
Curated by Juliana Caffé

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