Meet the 67 nominees for PIPA Prize 2021

Throughout this week (May 3rd to 7th), we published daily bulletins, revealing the nominees for the 12th edition of PIPA. There are 67 nominated artists, amongst them, 58 participating for the first time, were chosen by this year’s Nominating Committee members.

After being nominated, the artists who want to participate in the 12th edition of the PIPA Prize must confirm the participation through the email and send the material asked by the PIPA Prize coordination in the scheduled deadline in order to be able to run for PIPA Prize and PIPA Online.

  • PIPA Prize – The PIPA Prize Board will choose five artists from the nominees, amongst those who confirm their participation in PIPA Prize 2021. These five Selected Artists will participate in a virtual exhibition with new features on the Prize’s websites and social mediaproducing new content for the event. The idea is for the Selected Artists to show their artworks, without establishing a competition between the five of them. Each one will receive a donation of R$10,000.
  • PIPA Online – It happens in two rounds and each of the two most voted artists receives a donation of R$5.000.

This year the Prize decided to focus on more recent production, so the Nominated Artists must have had their first solo or group exhibition no longer than 10 years ago. The Prize’s goal is to be a boost for artists at the beginning of their career, with a distinguished work.

View the complete list of PIPA Prize 2021 nominated artists:
(Click on the names to see the page of artists who participated in previous editions)

Adriana Moreno
Adriano Machado
Agrade Camíz (nominated to PIPA 2020)
Alex Oliveira
Ana Beatriz Almeida
Ana Frango Elétrico
Ana Hortides
André Arçari
Artur Cabral Reis
Bruno Scharfstein
Carolina Botura
Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro (nominated to PIPA 2019)
Coletivo Ascuri
cosme sao Lucas
Charlene Bicalho
Daiara Tukano
Daniella Domingues
Dayane Tropicaos
Denilson Baniwa (nominated to PIPA 2019 and winner of PIPA Online 2019)
Dinho Araujo
Eliana Brasil
Elisa Arruda
Elizabeth Degenszejn
Gabriela Kaufmann Sacchetto
Genilson Guajajara
Geovanni Lima
Gustavo Silvamaral
Hariel Revignet
Ilan Kelson
Ilê Sartuzi
Isaias Salles / Ibã huni Kuin (nominated to PIPA 2016)
Ivã Coelho

Jaider Esbell (nominated to PIPA 2016 and winner of PIPA Online 2016)
João Paulo Racy
Jonas Arrabal
Keila Serruya Sankofa
Kika Carvalho
Laiza Ferreira
Leandro Muniz
Letícia Lopes (nominated to PIPA 2019)
Lorena Ferreira Alves
Luana Vitra
Luisa Almeida
Lyz Parayzo (nominated to PIPA 2017 and 2020)
Marcela Bonfim
Mariana de Matos
Marina RB
Natalia Marques
Nau Vegar
Nídia Aranha
Nina Lins
Patrícia Teles
Pedro Suzuki Ursini
Priscila Rezende
Renan Teles
Ricardo Alves
Rebeca Carapiá
Rubiane Maia (nominated to PIPA 2017)
Ruth Albernaz
Sara Não Tem Nome
Thainan Castro
Ventura Profana (nominated to PIPA 2020)
Victor Galvão
Yasmin Kozak

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA