“The living and the dead”, view of the exhibition, 2019, photo of Flávia Mano

Find out new pages and video interviews of PIPA 2021 nominees

The pages of the artists nominated for the PIPA Prize are gradually fed with content related to their work. Each participant has its page, in which there is information about its trajectory, images, texts, and/or videos about the works. These pages serve as a catalog of contemporary Brazilian art and can be updated by the artist at any time.

In this post, we present some pages of the 64 names of PIPA 2021.

Bruno Scharfstein

I discovered photography at the age of 15, in 1968, a troubled period in the political history of Brazil. Photography gave me a mixture of identity and freedom. I finally liked something, and there was no political risk, at least in my photos. Today, 50 years later, I consider my work as intuitive, I make images and videos and file them in temporary folders. If the idea takes shape, the folder gains a title. If it has density, becomes a book. My personal history is inseparable from the images I’m drawn to. I grew up in an emotionally unstable home, as a child of holocaust survivors. I accepted instability as normality. Perhaps this why my aesthetic seeks restlessness, elements of randomness, that thrust me to elaborate visually on the missing piece of a puzzle.

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

Elizabeth Degenszejn

Elizabeth’s aspirations were defined by the contours of her parents’ expectations. Expressions of personal identity were boxed in. The conflict between confinement and liberation shaped her life. Her work draws upon this conflict to transform rigid properties into curvilinear possibilities creating fluid abstract sculptures. Her work evokes a balance between control and freedom. ‘Squares’ was shortlisted for ‘Fresh’ and exhibited in the British Ceramics Biennial, in 2019. Elizabeth is currently enrolled in the Ceramics & Glass master’s degree at the Royal College of Art in London.

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

Ilan Kelson

Faced with ecstasy and awe at the purposes of life and the painful awareness of finitude, photographer Ilan Kelson perceives photography, with its promise of eternity, as a powerful way of investigating what is essential to us. What we cannot name, but only perceive, distractedly in the flow of time, as a genuine power of life, of continuous transformation of visible matter and, therefore, of the cosmos. Ilan is the author of the photobook “Tempus Fugit” (Fotô Editorial, 2020).

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

Ilê Sartuzi

Ilê Sartuzi (1995, lives and Works in São Paulo) is an artist graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP). His research involves sculptural objects, mapped video projections, installations and theatrical plays addressing issues related to the idealized image of the body, often fragmented or constructed from different parts; but also the absence of this figure in proto-architectural and digital spaces. The interest in the dramatic arts in recent years has given a kind of theatricality to his objects and installations that are animated by mechanical movements and interpret dramaturgies and choreographies.

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

João Paulo Racy

Artist-researcher, Phd student in Art, Subject and City and Master in Art and Contemporary Culture at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. In his works, he seeks to articulate issues pertinent to the theme of housing in the context of contemporary cities, focusing on the problems inherent to the logics of gentrification that underpin the centre-periphery binomial. His doctoral research is financed by the Faperj DSC scholarship and his master ‘s research was financed by the Capes/DS and Faperj Nota 10 scholarships, respectively.

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

Jonas Arrabal

Jonas Arrabal is a Visual Artist graduated in Theater Theory from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State (UNIRIO) and a Master in Visual Arts from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He started his artistic production in 2011 using various visual languages, such as video, installation and sculpture, setting a dialog between theater, cinema and literature. He begins his research with an investigation encompassing writing and voice, elements which compose the materiality of his works, in order to bring a reflection on a sculptural gesture, tensioning other means of image creation through narrative. In his poetical research, issues putting in evidence a different perception of temporality become relevant, in an attempt to make time visible, either through the very process of creation of the work or through the choice of materials which emphasizes the transition and the constant change of the work. It’s in the artist’s interest how the transformation of places and the continuous disappearing of things affect new perceptions and the arising of different possibilities. In Arrabal’s work, there is a shift between invisibility and visibility, between transitions and tangible erasures (either conscious or not), all in an approximation with elements of nature, putting together industrial and organic materials, proposing new mutations.

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

Renan Teles

Renan Teles, 1986, is an afro-indigenous visual artist born in São Paulo – Brazil. Photography is his principal tool and source in his creative process, playing a massive part in his research and experimental studies in image as narrative and as instrument for relational art. As a result, Renan Teles has a distinctive series of work materialized in photography, painting and other media.

Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2021:

Every week, we will post new pages and video interviews. Stay with us!

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA