After two rounds of voting, with 59 artists participating in the first and 23 artists in the second, and a total of 33,141 thousand votes, we have the two winners of PIPA Online 2021. But, before we announce the result, we need to clarify the reason for the delay.
At the end of the voting, an internal audit always analyzes the votes to confirm their legitimacy. This year, irregularities were found in many votes of some artists.
Thus, after we communicated what happened to the PIPA Prize Board, we came to the final conclusion that the non-valid votes should be discarded, what was done with a careful analysis to identify them by the technology specialist. This generated a new score and a new result.
It’s important to highlight that we are not accusing any artist of using fraudulent resources. For this reason, nobody will be disqualified: we only reconfigured the scoreboard, removing the non-valid votes.
Check out below who are the winners of this edition of PIPA Online 2021. The PIPA Prize congratulates the two winners, and each one of them will receive a donation of R$5.000. Differently from the previous years, in which the winners donated an artwork for the collection of the PIPA Institute, no donation will be required.
Daiara Hori, traditional Duhigô name, belongs to the Uremiri Hãusiro Parameri clan of the Yepá Mahsã people, also known as Tukano. Born in São Paulo in 1982, she is an artist, independent communicator, indigenous rights activist and human rights researcher. Her artistic work is based on research on the traditions and spirituality of her people, especially from her study of Hori, which are the mirations produced by kahpi (ayahuasca). Therefore, Daiara dedicates herself to apprehending the visions she reaches in her dreams and in the studies she carries out with her family, also observing the paintings found in the traditional objects of her culture, in the weaving of basketwork, ceramics, benches, in body paintings, which allude to the memory of the same history of transformation, which is the Tukano history of humanity. Daiara articulates an investigation into the culture of her people and experiments with forms and light, seeking to understand the density of their vibrations, as well as the way they touch us at different levels.
Ruth Albernaz (Cuiabá, MT, 1972) is an artist-biologist with ‘caboclo’ origin, post doctoral student in Teaching in Amazon (forest), IFMT, 2021; Doctor in Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 2016; self-taught in art, with research and artistic production focused on the connections between human beings/nature; shamanism, blessings, healing/caring, ancestral knowledge and conservation of sociobiodiversity. She produces paintings, objects, installations and illustrations. She makes exhibitions and curatorship to contribute to sensitive sharing, reinventing the world and re-existing in dark times. She lives in Chapada dos Guimarães and Cuiabá, Mato Grosso.