“O Natal da minha Tia” [My Aunt's Christmas], photobook by Rafael Adorján, 2021

Rafael Adorján releases his new photobook: “O Natal da minha Tia” [My Aunt’s Christmas]

On December 18 and 21, the release of Rafael Adorján‘s new photobook, O Natal da minha Tia [My Aunt’s Christmas], will take place. It presents this special gathering of the artist’s family, organized by his aunt Maristela. Read below what Adorján shared about the artwork:

O Natal da minha Tia [My Aunt’s Christmas] is a project that took place from a family gathering convened by my aunt after the period of almost ten years. Despite the pandemic, I decided to accept the invitation ‘cause I believed that a meeting with these same people would not be repeated anytime soon. During the celebration, I felt that I needed to register what was happening before my eyes and decided to borrow a camera, which is the resource I use to interact in certain situations.

This series presents all the stages that involve the production of that event, so lovingly elaborated by her. From the letter she sent us months in advance, calling her relatives to the meeting, all the information about the event with the uniqueness of her festive and religious universe lasting only one night, and finally the material she usually sends us as a physical record, so that we can keep a memory until next Christmas”.

To access the photobook’s page on the artist’s website, click here.

Check out the invitation with the information for the release, which will happen this week in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

Technical specifications of the book
Dimensions: 22 x 16 cm
Author: Rafael Adorján
Title: “O Natal da minha Tia” [My Aunt’s Christmas]
Publisher: Author’s Edition
Text: Raphael Fonseca
Graphic Project: Bloco Gráfico
Editorial coordination: Vitor Casemiro
ISBN: 9786500343762
Edition: 1st
Year: 2021
Copies: 300
Production location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Language: Portuguese and English
Binding: hardcover with wire-o inside
Pages: 64

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA