Ícaro Lira participates in the Hangar’s residence programs

Hangar develops several International Residency Programs that give non-resident artists in Portugal or Lisbon, the opportunity to live and work in Lisbon for a period between 1 and 3 months. The program aims to facilitate the international exchange and the exchange of ideas through artistic practice in the areas of visual arts, performance, photography and video. These weeks, Ícaro Lira is the participating artist in the 180º Artistas ao Sul program.

Through strategic partnerships in the international art world and institutions linked to cultural production and artistic research in various countries and through the Triangle Network Hangar program aims to strengthen the existing exchange between Portugal, Europe, Africa and South America.

There are two formats to the Residency Program: Host Residencies (spontaneous application, subject to approval and Visiting Artists Residency (invitation and open call, subject to a jury selection).


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