After being nominated for PIPA Prize, each artist is entitled to pages on the Prize’s Portuguese and English websites. These pages together compose a catalog of Brazilian contemporary art, for they are filled with images of works, videos, texts, CVs and other content the participants wish to send. The Prize team encourages the artists to keep their pages up to date and is always available to receive material. In addition, PIPA participants are also invited to record a video interview with Do Rio Filmes, thus having another space to share their works and their creative processes.
The participating artists were nominated by the Nominating Committee, composed of art professionals from all over Brazil, in which each member can send up to three names. From the 66 artists nominated for PIPA Prize 2022, 61 are participating in this edition, 49 of which are first-timers.
Like the previous year, the Prize decided to focus on a more recent production, nominating artists who must have had their first solo or group exhibition no longer than 15 years ago. The Prize’s goal is to be a boost for artists at the beginning of their career who develop distinguished works.
In this post, we present a few of the 61 participants of PIPA 2022. Click on their names to access their pages and to know more about their production:
Cecilia Cavalieri is a visual artist, writer, cosmotransfeminist researcher & a good enough mother. Brazilian, she was born in the suburbs of São Paulo, was raised in the countryside of Santa Catarina and now she lives in downtown Rio de Janeiro. She holds a Master of Arts degree [PPGArtes/UERJ] and a PhD in Visual Languages [PPGAV/UFRJ] with a year at the Sociology and Political Philosophy Lab [Sophiapol] of Université Paris-Nanterre.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
when I was born, in 1997, in the blaze of the northern region of Minas Gerais – they baptized me with my father’s name: Davi de Jesus do Nascimento. I’m a curimatá riverside artist, supporter of agglomerations and an on the cuff writer. conceived at the margins of the São Francisco river – waterway of my life – I work collecting affections from the riverside ancestry and realize “almost-rivers” in the arid. I was raised alongside “carranqueiros”, fishermen and washerwomen. The weight of carrying the river on my back drinks from the source of the first suns that I cried in my life. to hold on the humpback the “carranca” has made me feel the power of the wind of my bent taboca on the tracing of the loose kite that went down the gongo-like snail envelopment spiral to the right heel as snake, bait, fish and rock.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
Born in Belém, Pará, Amazon. Brazil. Lives between Belém and Rio de Janeiro. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). He is a multimedia visual artist. His research starts from the relationships and experiences of the queer male body. Bringing reflections on gender, sexuality, masculinity, power games, loneliness, pop culture and the advancement of technology. The works he builds sometimes bring ‘autofiction or fictionality’, evidencing narratives of these experiences as a queer man in contemporary Brazilian society. He works with different visual arts languages, such as new media, video, performance art, photography, installation, site specific, text, drawing. He participated in exhibitions in Brazil, the United States and Greece.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
Kika Diniz was born and works in Rio de Janeiro. Her visual arts’ studies began in EAV Parque Lage in 2013 and in 2020 she got a masters degree in Contemporary Study of the Arts in UFF (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) in the area of study of artistic processes. Her dissertation “Pornography, Erotism and Desire: Subversion Strategies” was focused on a theoretical and practical analysis of mainstream pornographic images, largely distributed as products. During the master thesis presentation, a question was brought up by her advisor professor Tania Rivera “Wouldn’t all images be pornographic?” which later led to the broadening of her research, so that then it began to encompass images that were being shared on social networks.
The canvases are first primed with black gesso and shiny lacquer, creating impermeable reflective surfaces, suggesting the “black mirror” of screens once they are off. The images arrive through social medias’ algorithms, such as tiktok (odeioestrogonofe series – the artist’s username on the app). The images (portraits, day-to-day scenes, animals, recipes, landscapes and everything else that is shared) are the starting point to the painting process, understood as the pictorial space of gesture and paint on canvas, leading to results that are often distinct from the starting image. The paintings are titled in reference to the videos and photographs from which the images were taken and are part of the work.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
Currently lives and works in Guarulhos as a visual artist and teacher. He began his career in the animation field. Having worked with graffiti, nowadays he has been immersed in the practice of oil painting. In his work, the artist brings the protagonism of black men using his own image and the observation of characters of his daily life. In his production, Marianno discusses inheritance, ancestry, history, and the streetwear culture and lifestyle that comes from his experience as a skateboarder. His formative artistic training comes from Ateliê Cayowaá, under the supervision of the painter and engraver Mauricio Parra.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
Raphael Escobar, graduated in Visual Arts and post-graduating in Brazilian Studies: society, education and culture. Since 2008 he works with non-formal education in contexts of social vulnerability or political disputes, such as Fundação CASA, Crackland and Hostels. He also helped found several collectives and social movements in the Crackland region as an activist.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
Samantha Canovas is an artist, textile, writer, embroiderer and art educator. Master in Visual Poetics, USP, 2017 and Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the University of Brasilia, 2013.
She began her artistic trajectory researching the limits of the materiality of painting, seeking to deepen her practice through guiding questions, such as method, drift, obsession and idleness in contemporary art. The artist investigates the textile as a escultural field, as well as its relationship with clothing, still seeking to dilute the border between art and crafts and to think about the relationship between the domestic and the feminine.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2022:
Every week, we will post new pages and video interviews. Stay with us!