A graduate of the Parque Lage School of Visual Arts in Rio de Janeiro, Arthur Palhano examines the intricate relationship between action and gesture in painting, unveiling its multiple historical layers through scraping. Both the gesture and the tools chosen to figure his poetic imagery demand a dispute between what is presented as the front and back of the painting, so that they are negotiated as their depths are excavated. His production is closely related to the desire for gastura, revelation and investigation of these multiple layers – material and historical – involved in an artistic process that above all praises an economy of matter in which everything matters. By valorising the choice of these aesthetic procedures, the pictorial physicality reveals a conceptual structure that blurs the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible. He held the solo exhibitions “Dogma”, at Portas Vilaseca (2023, Rio de Janeiro); Doce Bálsamo, at Espaço Oásis (2022, Rio de Janeiro); and Terraço Coberto, in his old house (2021, Rio de Janeiro). He has taken part in group exhibitions at institutions such as MUPA – Museu Paranaense (Paraná), Projeto Vênus (São Paulo), Galeria Aymoré (Rio de Janeiro) and Centro Municipal de Artes Hélio Oiticica (Rio de Janeiro).
Arthur Palhano investigates the intricate relationship between action and gesture in the context of painting. With an attentive eye to the multiple overlaps present in his work, he meticulously examines the necessary procedures, unveiling the multiple historical layers that constitute the canonical support of painting.
His quest is to bring forward representations that are not only subtle, but also thought-provoking, despite the often violent nature implied in the gesture of their creation. Both the gesture and the tools chosen to represent the multiple landscapes or images of his poetic imagination block a dispute between what is presented as the front and background of his painting, so that they are negotiated as their riches are revealed, his production is closely related to the desire for exhaustion, for revealing and investigating these multiple layers – material and historical – involved in his artistic process that praises, above all, an economy of matter in which everything matters. By praising the choice of aesthetic procedures, the physicality of the material intertwines with the conceptual structure, blurring the limits between the tangible and the intangible. This interplay between form and meaning adds another layer of complexity to his work.
– “Dogma”. Curated by Clarissa Diniz. Portas Vilaseca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Doce Bálsamo”. Curated by Eduarda Freire. Espaço Oásis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Terraço Coberto”. Curated by Lucas Albuquerque. Casa do artista. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Do Desenho”. Curated by sabel Portela, Nuno Ramalho and Vinicius Duque Estrada. Centro Cultural dos Correios. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(2023);
– “Melodia”. Curated by Domenico de Chirico. Espaço Fonte, São Paulo, Brazil(2023);
– “Objeto Sujeito”. Curated by Pollyana Quintela, Felipe Vilas Boas and Richard Romanini. Museu Paranaense, Curitiba, Brazil(2023);
– “MUAMBA: Brazilian Traces of movement”. Curated by Lucas Albuquerque. Ruby Cruel, Londres, Reino Unido (2023);
– “Conversa de Formiga”. Curated by Guilherme Teixeira. 25M, São Paulo, SP, Brazil(2022);
– “Despertar Inconsciente”. Curated by Carla Oliveira e Luyza de Luca. Casa Bicho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(2022);
– “Apocalypse Now”. Curated by Ricardo Sardenberg e Rafael Bqueer. Projeto Vênus, São Paulo, Brazil(2022);
– “Futuração. Curated by Lucas Albuquerque. Galeria Aymoré, Rio de Janeiro (2021);
– “Tubarões Sabem da Existência de Camelos. Curated by Arthur Palhano e Vicente Lima. Corredor 14, Pelotas, RS (2021);
– “Hypertransfer Protocol // data-as-symbolic-form-exchange. Los Angeles, Chicago, Florianópolis, Berlim (2020);
– “Estopim e Segredo. Curated by Clarissa Diniz, Ulisses Carrilho e Gleyce Heitor. Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (EAV), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (2019).
2022 – Casa Fugaz Residency Programme, Peru
2022 – Residência artística Oásis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2020 – Residência artística on-line OLHÃO
Solo Projects Fairs
2024 – ZONAMACO, Portas Vilaseca. Cidade do México, México
2023 – DOGMA 2: Decomposições | ArtRio, Alban Galeria. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
“ Arthur Palhano – Dogma”, 2023. Duration 5’50”