(this page was last updated in July 2016)

1 – I am an artist and I want to apply for the award, where should I send my portfolio?

There are no entries for the Prize. The artists competing for PIPA are exclusively appointed by the Nominating Committee. The artist can only participate if he or she receives at least one nomination from the Committee.

2 – Who are the members of the Nominating Committee?

A set of 20 (twenty) to 40 (forty) renowned professionals, invited by PIPA’s Board, that work within the contemporary art field, as established artists, art critics, artists, collectors, gallery directors and curators. The Nominating Committee changes at every edition of the prize.

3 – What is the criterion used by the members of the Nomination Committee to make their nominations?

Each member of the Nomination Committee will indicate up to 5 (five) names of artists qualified to participate in the Prize, to  PIPA’s Board, having in mind that the artist must have a recent trajectory, highlighted and known in the art circuit. Members of the Nominating Committee must also have as a guideline the monetary amount awarded by the prize and the relevance of an international residency programme as an improvement and development upon the artist’s career.

4 –  Is it PIPA’s aim to find new talent ?

The purpose of PIPA is to award and contribute to the recognition of artists that have already been noted by their artworks and exhibitions, throughout the years, by an audience that is connected with the Brazilian art market and not to search for new and emerging talents. Nominated artists have a recent but consistent art career.

5 – Why are there no entries for the Prize?

The selection of the artists is made exclusively through nominations. Members of the Nominating Committee carefully choose their nominees by tracking the trajectories of the artists and not by analysis of portfolios.

6 – Are there any restrictions of nationality, media, or age limit?

There are no restrictions regarding media or age of the artists. The artist should belong to the Brazilian contemporary art scenario, being based or not in Brazil.

7 – Are all of the artists nominated by the Nominating Committee competing for the PIPA Prize?

Only the Nominated Artists that fulfil the requests and required documents to the Coordination of PIPA within the established deadline, will be considered Participating Artists and entitled to compete for the prize.

8 – What will the Participating Artists receive for competing in the prize?

The Participating Artists will have their own page on PIPA’s website, including artist’s CV, profile, pictures and videos. Posts at “PIPA News” about their recent exhibitions and all news related to their career.
All artists are invited to record a video interview via Skype, conducted by  Matrioska Filmes. Participating Artists will also be entitled to a section portraying images and information of their works in the annual edition of PIPA’s catalogue in addition to publicity in social media networks and rights to apply for PIPA Online.

9 – How is the selection process for choosing the finalists?

PIPA’s Board will select, amongst the participating artists, 4 (four) finalists, based on the number of nominations received.
The 4 (four) finalists will take part in the exhibition at MAM-Rio and will receive R$20,000 (twenty thousand Reais) after the announcement of the shortlisted.

10 – How is the selection process for the winners of the four prizes?

There are 4 categories: PIPA, PIPA Popular Vote, PIPA Online, PIPA Online Popular Vote.

  • The winner of PIPA will be elected amongst the 4 finalists, by the Award Jury. The winner of PIPA will receive a total of R$130,000 (20% which will fund an international artistic residency programme in Residency Unlimited, USA). R$20,000 will be received at the moment the artist has been selected as finalist.
  • The winner of PIPA Popular Vote will be elected, amongst the 4 finalists, by a public vote during the course of the exhibition at MAM-Rio. The winner of PIPA Popular Vote will receive a total of R$24,000. R$10,000 will be received at the moment the artist has been selected as finalist.
  • PIPA Online Winner will be selected by a Jury amongst the five artists with the greatest number of votes, based on his or hers portfolio, artist’s page on the website and on PIPA Online voting system, and will receive a donation of R$12,000 plus a two month artist residency programme at Sacatar Foundation, in Itaparica, Bahia, Brazil.
  • If only one artist receives more than 500 votes in the first round, he/she will be declared PIPA Online Popular Vote and PIPA Online winner without the need of a second round.
  • If no artist receives more than 500 votes in the first round, there will be no PIPA Online Popular Vote Winner.
  • If no artist receives more than 500 votes in the first round, the jury will select PIPA Online Winner amongst the five most voted artists based on their portfolio and artist’s page on the website.

11- Can the same artist win the 4 prizes?


12 – How do I vote on PIPA Online?

  1. The first step to vote is to create a Facebook account.
  2. After creating your Facebook profile, click on the following link Vote PIPA Online page, where you will redirected to the complete list of Participating Artists for each annual edition. Click on the name of the artist you want to vote for. The link will take you to the artist’s page. If you already know the name of the artist you want to vote for, simply go to his or her profile page.
  3. Click like on the vote box, next to a green kite, on the right side of the page.
  4. You can repeat steps 2 and 3, and click like for many artists you like.

NB: If you are already with you Facebook account page open, your “vote” will be added immediately. If not, a box will pop asking for you to sign up in order to add your vote.

PIPA will not have access to your information on Facebook.

13 – May I vote as many times I wish on PIPA Online?

At Facebook’s own system it is not possible to “like”  one particular artist more than once. However, you can “like” more than one artist.

14- Why has Investidor Profissional decided to launch PIPA ?

The initiative has a lot to do with our deepest conviction that it is necessary to think “out of the box, be it in investment strategies, or in the investment process.

We have always thought of the importance to question the conventional ways of looking at companies, the market and even our own role as managers. This has enabled IP to establish a closer relationship with those who share our “world view”.

Just as IP has benefited from finding companies that the market did not look at with due attention, we intend, using the “PIPA”, to give stimulus and worldwide acknowledgement to artists whose ideas and viewpoints have yet to reach an international recognition, and to offer them the opportunity to exhibit their work at Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro (MAM-Rio).

The award was created in partnership with the MAM-Rio, as with this initiative IP supports their continuous process of improvement.

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA