Gabriela Mureb

(this page was last updated in August 2022)

Niteroi, Brazil, 1985.
Lives and work in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Represented by Central Galeria.

PIPA Prize 2020 and 2022 nominee.

Gabriela Mureb is a visual artist, professor at the Department of Visual Arts / Sculpture of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and doctoral student at the Visual Arts Postgraduate Program at the same institution. Through the construction of machines, Gabriela Mureb’s work focuses on mediations between body, technical objects and world, in works that transit between sculpture, installation, performance, video and sound pieces. She participates of the2021 New Museum Triennial (NY, 2021) and the 13rd Bienal do Mercosul (RS, 2022). Among other exhibitions of her work are the solo Rrrrrrrrrr (Central Galeria, SP, 2017) and the group shows Garganta (CIAJG, Portugal, 2022) and Mulheres na Coleção MAR (Museu de Arte do Rio, 2018). She participated in the following performance, music and sound art festivals: Novas Frequências (Audio Rebel, São Paulo, 2021 and 2017), Antimatéria/QTV (Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, 2018), FIME (Ibrasotope, São Paulo, 2017). Mureb was one of the selected artists by the Rumos Artes Visuais Itaú Cultural Program 2011-2013. She was part of the performance festivals Queer Zagreb in 2012 and Queer NY in 2013. She is represented by Central Galeria.


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