Manuela Costa Silva develops her poetic production by drinking from the deep waters of the unconscious, through which dream images and the archetypal organism remain and still manifest themselves amid the play of light and shadow of consciousness. Manuela establishes a mirroring between inner and outer nature, matter and symbol become one speaking through their own reasoning, the dreamlike, the archetypal and the imaginary, ways of turning the intangible into tangible. Crossing the prism of genre through the material and immaterial, the artist articulates nature and supernature, combining life and death, dream and reality, poison and cure, sacred and profane, desire and magic in an unlikely weave of contemporary mythologies.
Manuela Costa Silva has a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Goiás (2018). Participated in the collective “Um corpo no ar pronto para fazer barulho” curated by Raphael Fonseca (Centro Cultural Oscar Niemeyer, 2018). Since 2019, Manuela Costa Silva has been a resident artist at the Sertão Negro school studio (Dalton Paula, Goiânia). She also held the Art and Nature Art Residency curated by Agnaldo Farias at the Kaýsaa Art Residence (2022), and was the award-winning artist in the state category at the 26th Anapolino Art Salon. She held solo exhibitions “Tereza, eu morri e morrer é bom” (2020, virtual) and “Senão Mata, ao invés de curar” (Centro Cultural Octo Marques, 2022). In 2023, she participated in SpArte Rotas Brasileira at Aura Galeria (São Paulo), for which she is represented and is also represented by Cerrado Galeria (Goiânia).
– Visual Arts Bachelor’s Degree, Faculty of Visual Arts, Federal University of Goiás (2018).
– Trampoline Program for Young Artists, Goiás Contemporary Art Museum, Oscar Niemeyer Cultural Center, Goiânia/GO.
– Sertão Negro, Dalton Paula Studio and School of Arts, Goiânia/GO
– Art and Nature II, Kaaysá Art Residency, curated by Agnaldo Farias, São Sebastião/SP
– 26th Anapolino Arts Salon, Artists Goianos Edition, State Category Award
– Tereza, I died and dying is good, Galeria Sebastião dos Reis, Centro Cultural Octo Marques, Goiânia/GO, Virtual Exhibitions Program.
– Otherwise it kills, instead of curing, Galeria Sebastião dos Reis, Centro Cultural Octo Marques, Goiânia/GO
– Corpo Conto, Galeria Lume, São Paulo/SP
– Sementes Sertanejas, Gallery of the Faculty of Visual Arts, Goiânia/GO.
– 19th Jataí Art Salon, Jataí Contemporary Art Museum, Jataí/GO26th Anapolino Arts Salon, Artists Goianos Edition, Antônio Sibasolly Gallery, Anápolis/GO
– 1st Vozes Agudas Prize, Galeria Karla Osório, Brasília, Distrito Federal/DF 2019
– Reflux: Experimental Art Festival, UFG Cultural Center, Goiânia/GO. Inside the Image, Centro Cultural Octo Marques, Goiânia/GO.
– A Body in the Air Ready to Make Noise, Trampoline Program for Young Artists, Galeria D. J. Oliveira, MAC/GO, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Goiás, Centro Cultural Oscar Niemeyer, Goiânia/GO.
– Allotment, Gallery of the Faculty of Visual Arts, Goiânia/GO.