Nominating Committee 2024

(this page was last updated in February 2024)

This year, the PIPA Prize Nominating Committee is composed of 28 members, selected by PIPA’s Board. The group is formed by Brazilian professionals from all over the country and foreigners, resulting in a heterogeneous selection of renowned names that work with contemporary art. The set counts mostly critics and curators, but it also gathers artists, collectors, and professors.

The members of the Nominating Committee of the PIPA Prize 2024 will nominate up to three visual artists, from any media, with a career no longer than 15 years (from the first solo or group exhibition), since PIPA maintains in its 15th edition the goal of rewarding Brazilian artists whose trajectories are recent. For the nominations, it should be considered as parameters: the distinctive production and the relevance of the Prize for a broader development and growth of the artist still in an early stage of their career.

Some of the nominators of 2024 have already participated as artists or as nominators of PIPA Prize in previous years.

Meet the members of the Nominating Committee of PIPA Prize 2024:

Adele Nelson
(Critic/curator | USA)

Alessandra Ferrari
(Colector | UK)

Ana Roman
(Critic/curator | Southeast Brazil)

Bitu Cassundé
(Critic/curator | Northeast Brazil)

Daniel Rangel
(Critic/curator | Northeast Brazil)

Els Lagrou
(Researcher | Southeast Brazil)

Hilda de Paulo
(Artist, critic and curator | Portugal)

Isabel Portella
(Critic/curator | Southeast Brazil)

Josué Mattos
(Critic/curator | South Brazil)

Julia Borges Araña
(Manager, critic and curator | Southeast Brazil)

Lourival Cuquinha
(Artist | Northeast Brazil)

Luana Vitra
(Artist | Southeast Brazil)

Lucas Albuquerque
(Critic/curator | Southeast Brazil)

Luiz Chrysostomo
(Collector | Southeast Brazil)

Maria Amélia Bulhões
(Researcher | South Brazil)

Miguel Chikaoka
(Artist | North Brazil)

Moacir dos Anjos
(Critic/curator | Northeast Brazil)

Orlando Maneschy
(Critic, curator and researcher | North Brazil)

Paulo Henrique Silva
(Critic/curator | Midwest Brazil)

Priscila Arantes
(Critic/curator | Southeast Brazil)

Raquel Nava
(Artist | Midwest Brazil)

Renata Tupinambá
(Critic/curator | Southeast Brazil)

Sara Seilert
(Manager| Midwest Brazil)

Silvana Bahia
(Researcher | Southeast Brazil)

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