Ceilândia, Brazil, 1983.
Lives and works in Taguatinga, Brazil.
Born in 1983, in Ceilândia, a satellite city of Brasília, Antonio Obá reconfigures in his work aspects of a rural tradition that permeates the Brazilian religious universe, which reflects critically on the idea of a so-called syncretism and historical situations linked to ethnic prejudice. He brings in his works an affective memory, which proposes the intimate reflection on the body (his miscegenated body, black), but that occurs (in the strictness of the term) in sacrifice in narratives that tell a Brazilian history seen from a body that plunges its feet in the roots of a tradition, in various contexts, still marginalized.
Antonio Óba has a degree in Visual Arts / licenciatura (2010), by FADM – College of Arts Dulcina de Moraes, and for more that 10 years works in the area of art-education and acts as a Visual Arts teachers for the Secretary of Education of the Federal District since 2012.
A visual artist, he participates in group and solo exhibitions since 2001, including: exposição “(in)corporações” (2015), in Candido Portinari Gallery, in UERJ; in 2016 is contemplated in the 2º edição do Salão Transborda, in the cultural space of the Caixa (Brasília) and works that make up the archives of the Galeria de Arte XXX (Brasília); in 2017, he participated in “South-South: Let me begin again”, Goodman Gallery, in South Africa
He was a member-artist of the Cultural Centre Elefante, a centre that promotes poetic-artistic experimentation, as well as the promotion of projects related to the practice and reflection of Art through residencies, workshops, exhibitions, courses, etc.
Solo Exhibitions
– “South-South: Let me begin again”, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa.
– “Antonio Obá”, Mendes Wood Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil.
– “(In)corporações”, Candido Portinari Gallery: UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
– “Carnagem”, Galeria Arte XXX, Brasília, Brazil.
– “My body is a cage”, Luciana Caravello Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
– “Entre”, CAL – Casa da América Latina, Brasília, Brazil.
– “ONDEANDAAONDA”, National Museum of the Cultural Complex of the Republic, Brasília, Brazil.
– “OCUPAÇÃO”, Elefante Cultural Centre, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Verônica”, Elefante Cultural Centre, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Imagem, palavra, vertigem”, UnB Gallery, Brasília, Brazil.
– “É perdendo o medo de errar que matamos o monstro do meio-dia”, Brasília Contemporânea, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Impermanências”, Art Gallery Dulcina de Moraes, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Sob o signo de um novo olhar”, Yara Amaral Gallery, Centro cultural do SESI, Brasília, Brazil.
Group Exhibitions
– “Não existo sem meu corpo”, R3 Gabinete de Arte, Goiânia, Brazil.
– “ONÀ – CICLO X”, deCurators Art Gallery, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Transitório/permanente II”, Elefante Cultural Centre, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Kohëdhekujtesë – gravura bashkëkohore braziliane”, Muzeu historik Kombëtar, Brazilian Embassy in Tirana.
– “Brasil/Argentina/Gráfica”, Galeria Rubem Valentim do Espaço Cultural Renato Russo / SUPHAC / SECult. Brasília, Brazil.
– “Trans… Aparência”, Art Gallery Dulcina de Moraes, Brasília, Brazil.
– I Mostra Dulcina de Artes Visuais – poéticas contemporâneas, Art Gallery Dulcina de Moraes, Brasília, Brazil.
– Cultura Afro em alta – Exposição de telas junto à Embaixada de Moçambique, no Cultural Centre of the Cultura inglesa, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Arte social”, Galeria Yara Amaral, Cultural centre of SESI, Brasília, Brazil.
– “Ponto de vista”, Galeria Yara Amaral, Cultural centre of SESI, Brasília, Brazil.
Awards, Grants and Projects
– Contemplated in the 2ª edition of Transborda Brasília, Brazil.
– Contemplated in the Prêmio de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Award), Conjunto Cultural da Caixa, Brasília, Brazil.
– Selected artists in the X Prêmio de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Award), Iate Clube, Brasília, Brazil.
– 1st place in the 1st Visual Arts Salon of the administrative regions of the Distrito Federal, Na ACASO (Associação de Cultura e Arte de Sobradinho)
– 2nd place in the I university Salon Câmara dos Deputados, Exhibition hall of the Espaço Cultural Zumbi dos Palmares
– Selected artist for the IX Prêmio de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Award), Iate Clube, Brasília, Brazil.
– Honourable Mention in the Prize SESC of painting on canvas TributoTerraBrasilis, Brasília, Brazil.