Belém, Brazil, 1968.
Lives and works in Belém and Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
“Midas”, 2009. Duration: 9’58”
“Retratos”, 2007. Duration: 5’45”
He was born in Belém, Pará in 1968. He is a visual artist and museum technician. From 2003 to 2015, he worked in the Integrated System of Museums and Memorials – SIM / SECULT-PA, part of the research team in contemporary art and photographic documentation of collections of these museums. His artistic formation was constituted through readings, experiments and participation in workshops and seminars. In 2013, he graduated in Visual Arts from the Institute of Art Sciences (ICA) of the Federal University of Pará. He holds a doctorate in the Postgraduate Program of the School of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a scholarship by Capes. From July 2008 to January 2011, he coordinated the curation and assembly of this system, which brings together eight museum units from the State of Pará. In the meantime, he was part of the curators’ team of Rumos Artes Visuais 2008-2009 (Instituto Itaú Cultural) as Assistant Curator responsible for mapping the northern region of the country. In 2012, he was the director of the Museum of Image and Sound of Pará – MIS-PA. From 2013 to 2015 he was Director of the cultural space Casa das Onze Janelas. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Associação Fotoativa (PA).
Since 1993, he has been participating in several solo and group exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. He participated in several projects such as Macunaíma, in 1997, in Rio de Janeiro and Prima Obra in Brasília, in 2000. He was a guest artist, in the Art Pará Salon in 1998, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. In 2003, performs his first urban intervention in the Municipal Meat Market of Abaetetuba (PA), as a result of the Tridimensional Projects II workshop, promoted by the Institute of Arts of Pará – IAP. He was a scholar of the same Institute of Arts in two opportunities: with the scholarship Possibilities of the Miriti as a Contemporary Plastic Element, in 2003. And in 2008, with the research grant Body takes Body, studies in Videoarte – The Body as Intermediary between Life and Art.
His artistic production ranges from tiny objects to large-scale works and urban interventions. Conceptually, it focuses on social, political, and patrimonial issues. Creates from observations of the everyday of the streets, appropriates popular objects from various sources, has as reference the city and the Other. He was contemplated with the art research grant of the CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça Prize for the Visual Arts 2009-2010. In 2010, he was granted a special room in the 29th edition of Arte Pará as an honoured artist. In 2011, he participates in the 16th Biennial of Cerveira, the Biennial Foundation of Cerveira (Portugal) and the III Biennial of the End of the World, Ushuaia (Argentina). In 2012, he is a guest artist at the 64th Salão Paranaense. In 2013, he participates in the XX International Biennial of Curitiba. In 2014, he participates in the 31st Bienal de São Paulo. In 2015, he participates in video art exhibitions at Pompidou-Metz (France) and at the 19th SESC_Videobrasil Contemporary Art Festival and in 2016 at Amazonian Video Art in Glasgow (Scotland, UK) and at the Münchner Staatsoper Opera Festival in Germany. In 2017, he participates as a guest artist of the Refazenda – Belo Vale-MG project, a partnership between the Instituto Inhotim and Iepha-MG; “Modos de Ver o Brasil”- Itaú Cultural 30 years (SP) and “Queeruseu”, Santander Cultural (RS). In 2018, he participates in the “Manjar” at Solar dos Abacaxis (RJ) and the exhibition “Outros Documentos” at the X Colóquio de Fotografia (PA). In 2019, participates in the exhibition “Sobre Sonhos, Abismos e Fronteiras – Fotoativa ontem e hoje” (Uruguay). Lives and works between Belém (PA), Rondon (PA) and Belo Horizonte(MG), in Brazil.
Solo Exhibitions
-“Cântico Guarani”, Gallery Durex Arte Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-“ANIMA” – Museum of the State of Pará, Brazil
-“Confluências”, Gallery Theodoro Braga, CENTUR, Brazil
– “Objetos”, Gallery Sandra Rezende, Vitória, Brazil
– “Sermões”, based on the works of Priest Antônio Vieira, Art Gallery of the University of the Amazon, Belém, Brazil
-“Projeto Macunaíma”, Gallery Macunaíma, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-“Identidade Interior”, Gallery Theodoro Braga, CENTUR, Brazil
Group Exhibitions
– “Modos de ver o Brasil: Itaú Cultural 30 anos”, curated by Paulo Herkenhoff, Thais Rivitti and Leno Veras, Oca – Parque do Ibirapuera, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Bestiário”, curated by Raphael Fonseca, Centro Cultural de São Paulo, Brazil
-TRIO Biennial – Tridimensional Biennial, curated by Marcus de Lontra Costa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-“Cinéma Permanent”, Leiris & co, Centre Pompidou Metz, France
-“Horizonte Generoso – Uma experiência no Pará”, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, Luciana Caravello Arte Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-“Encruzilhada”, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, School of the Visual Arts of Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-“Pororoca – A Amazônia no MAR”, curated by Paulo Herkenhoff, Museum of Art of Rio, Brazil
-Moving Image New York, Video Art Fair, New York, USA
-31st Biennial of São Paulo, Parque do Ibirapuera, São Paulo, Brazil
-Arte Pará 2010, honoured artist, Belém, Brazil.
-Prêmio CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça – Visual Arts 2009-2010, Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo, Brazil
-Museum of Modern Art of Bahia, Brazil
-“Novas Aquisições” – Marcantonio Vilaça/FUNARTE, Museum of Contemporary Art, Cultural Space Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém, Brazil
-“Contigüidades”, Historic Museum of the State of Pará, Belém, Brazil
-“Obranome II”, National Museum of the Cultural Complex of the Republic, Brasília, Brazil
-“Poética da Percepção: questões da fenomenologia na arte brasileira”, Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Arte Pará 2008, invited artist, Belém, Brazil
-Video exhibition from the series “Estudos em vídeoarte Corpo toma Corpo: o corpo como intermediador entre a vida e a arte”, result from the artistic creative scholarship awarded by the Institute of Arts of Pará, Belém, Brazil
-Arte Pará 2007, Belém, Brazil
-Projeto Permuta, site specific piece in the market “Ver-o-Peso”, 26th Arte Pará, Belém, Brazil
-XIII Salão de Pequenos Formatos, Belém, Brazil
-Project “Fio da Meada”, site specific piece in the market “Ver-o-Peso”, 25th Arte Pará, Belém, Brazil
-“Caixinha de Música”, site specific piece in the Landi palace, Palácio Antigo, Belém, Brazil
-“Armando, etc”, exhibition from the programme “III Fórum de Pesquisa em Artes, Laboratório das Artes, Cultural Space Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém, Brazil
-RedeEmergente FUNARTE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Projeto Lâmina no mercado, site specific piece in the Mercado de Carne Bolonha, 24th Arte Pará, Belém, Brazil
-Urban Intervention in the Festival de L’oh!, Maison-Alfort, Paris, France
-Site specific piece at the bar São Jorge (iconic figure of popular art in Belém), Brazil
-Salão UniversidArte, College 0f Pará, Belém, Brazil
-Urban Intervention in Município de Abaetetuba, as a result of the workshop Projetos Tridimensionais II, Pará, Brazil
-Exhibition promoted by Kunsthaus and the Association of Visual Arts of Pará, Wiesbaden, Germany
-Workshop: Art in Progress, Nürnberg, Germany
-Invited artist for the inauguration of the Art Laboratory and the Banquete das Orações, Cultural Space Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém, Brazil
-“Intercâmbio”, Gallery Theodoro Braga, CENTUR, Brazil
-Exhibition from the Workshop Terra dos Rios, Art Gallery of the University of the Amazon, Belém, Brazil
-Salão de Pequenos Formatos, University of the Amazon, Curitiba, Brazil
-Salon of Arte Pará 2000, Belém, Brazil
-IX SAMAP, Municipal Salon of Visual Arts, João Pessoa, Brazil
-26th National Salon of Art of Belo Horizonte: “O Brasil Amanhã”, Musuem of Art of Pampulha, Brazil
-Projeto Prima Obra
-FUNARTE/Brasília, Brazil
-II Workshop, Campus of the Federal University of Pará, Brazil
-Arte Pará 1998, invited artists, Museum of the State of Pará, Brazil
-“Projeto Macunaíma”, Gallery Macunaíma, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2010: