(this page was last updated in November 2021)
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1974.
Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.
Represented by Athena Contemporânea e Galeria Millan
PIPA 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2018 nominee.
Master (2007) and Ph.D. student (since 2015) at the Escola de Belas-Artes, Federal University of Minas Gerais. In 2011 participated in the 8th Biennial of Mercosul. In 2013 she took part in the group show “Blind Field” at the Karnnet Museum, Illinois, USA. In 2014 presented the “Projeto Gameleira 1971” at Pivô, São Paulo. In 2016 presented a work for a public space at “New Cities Future Ruins”, Dallas/USA and participated in the 32nd Biennial of Art of São Paulo with a commissioned work, “Double Standard”. In 2017, she took part in the group show “Avenida Paulista” at MASP (São Paulo) with a commissioned video, “Delirium” and was most recently included in the group exhibition, “Condemned To Be Modern”, as part of the Getty’s PST: LA/LA.
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2018:
“Not Yet”, 2011. Duration: 01’26”
“Coluna Infinita”, 2011. Duration: 04’25”
“Ensaio de Orquestra”, 2014. Duration: 03’54”
Master (2007) and Ph.D. student (since 2015) at the Escola de Belas-Artes, UFMG. Bachelor degree in Visual Arts from the Escola Guignard, UEMG (2001). She has been granted a number of prizes and awards, including the I Bolsa Pampulha (2003), the Prêmio Projéteis, Rio de Janeiro (2007), and the Prêmio Atos Visuais, Brasília and the Bolsa Estímulo às Artes Visuais (both awarded by FUNARTE, also in 2007). She was also awarded a prize at the I Concurso Itamaraty de Arte Contemporânea, Brasília (2011) and Prêmio Arte e Patrimônio. IPHAN/Minc/Paço Imperial do Rio de Janeiro (2013). Myrrha participated in “Paralela10”, Liceu de Artes e Ofícios, São Paulo (2010), in “Temporada de Projetos” at the Paço das Artes, São Paulo and in the 8th Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre (2011). In 2012 she was awarded the Bolsa Estímulo às Artes Visuais by FUNARTE. In 2013 the artist held the solo exhibition “Zona de Instabilidade” at CAIXA Cultural, São Paulo and Brasília (2013/2014), was selected for the 18th edition of Videobrasil’s Contemporary Art International Festival and participated in the group show “Blind Field “at the Karnnet Museum, Illinois, USA. In 2014, she carried out the “Projeto Gameleira 1971” at Pivô, São Paulo, and presented the work “Ensaio de Orquestra” at Coletor, São Paulo. In 2015, took part in the group exhibition of the artists nominated for the Marcantonio Vilaça Award at the Museum of Contemporary Art of São Paulo (MAC-USP). In 2016 presented an artwork for a public space at New Cities Future Ruins, Dallas, USA and participated with a commissioned work, “Double Standard”, at the 32nd Biennial of Art of São Paulo. In 2017, she took part in the group show “Avenida Paulista” at MASP (São Paulo) with a commissioned video, “Delirium”; held a solo show “Reparation of Damages”, at Broadway 1602 gallery in New York, and also participated in the group exhibition “Condemned To Be Modern”, as part of the Getty’s PST: LA/LA.
and was most recently included in the group exhibition,
The provisionality and arbitrariness inherent to the universe of representation – the conventions, the construction of memory and the values – are constant themes in my work. I use photography, video, film, drawing, and installations to bring visibility to the naturalization of social agreements and our correspondent ability to transform into solid truth that which exists only immaterially. My artistic procedures, both conceptual and physical, produce situations of stress, deletion, dissolution, blur, ruination, and instability. Recently my attention turned to architecture and the cycles of construction and destruction endangered by it.
Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2013:
Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2010:
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