(this page was last updated in July 2016)
São Paulo, Brazil, 1953.
Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.
PIPA 2010 nominee.
PIPA 2012 Nominating Committee member.
Lenora de Barros graduated in Linguistics from Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and started her artistic career in the 1970s, a time of intense experimentalism in brazilian art, marked by a strong constructive and avant-gardist bent since the 50s. The first works created by Lenora de Barros can be placed in the field of ‘visual poetry’ springing from the concrete poetry movement of the decade of 1950. Words and images were her initial materials.
In 1983 Lenora Barros published the book ‘Onde Se Vê [Where One See]’, a set of rather uncommon “poems”. Some of them dispensed the use of words, constructed as photographic sequences where the artist herself acted out different characters in performance acts. This book announced Lenora de Barros’s transition into the field of visual arts, what eventually came to happen. Since then, the artist has been following her own personal path, marked by the use of diversified languages: video, performance, photography, sound installation and construction of objects.
Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2010.
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