Fortaleza, Brazil, 1978.
Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.
Vitor Cesar’s artistic practice develops proposals which seek to constitute the notion of public through the dynamics of everyday life by the means of exhibitions, graphic works, debates and other projects. Recent solo exhibitions include: ‘Descrito como real’ in collaboration with Enrico Rocha (Cultural Centre of São Paulo, 2015), ‘Anfibologia, reciprocidad’ (Museo Experimental El Eco, Mexico City, 2013). Main group exhibitions: Prêmio CNI SESI SENAI Marcoantonio Vilaça (Mac USP, São Paulo, 2015); ‘Mano Fato Mano’ (Cultural Centre São Paulo, São Paulo, 2013) and the 8th Mercosul Biennial (Porto Alegre, 2011). Cesar was an artist in residence at the AIR Laboratory/ Videobrasil in context Programme (Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland, 2015); Capacete (Rio de Janeiro, 2010) and MuseumsQuartier (Vienna, 2006). Developed the graphic proposition for XI SITAC – ‘Simposio Internacional de Teoria sobre Arte Contemporaneo’ (Mexico City, 2013) and of ‘Frestas Trienal de Artes (Sorocaba, 2015). Joined ‘O grupo inteiro’ together with Carol Tonetti, Claudio Bueno and Ligia Nobre.
‘To walk through the city in a chaotic state – Amphibology, translation’, 2015
With the collaboration of Michał Lipszyc.
Posters installed in places of publicity.
Executed as a public programme of Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art. (Warsaw)
‘Relief and adherence’, 2013
‘Chapiscada’ wall and relief/short wall. Work executed with the construction master Manuel da Silva at MAM-SP. Exhibition P33: Formas únicas da continuidade no espaço – Panorama da arte brasileira. Mam—SP.
‘Amphibology, reciprocity’, 2013
Text at the facade of the Museo Experimental El Eco: “The effects of the work of this artist are of his responsibility’. Typography similar to those found in the surroundings and utilised in the 50’s and 60’s. Museum created by the artist Mathias Goeritz, where there was no architectural project and the formal decisions were taken during the construction. Mexico City
‘Reception’, 2013
Furniture similar to a balcony, installed in a passageway between two exhibition rooms. The main flux of the exhibition conducts the public to go through the sides where the shelfs ate. Work executed at the exhibition Escavar o Futuro, Palacio das Artes, Belo Horizonte.
‘Crime Novel’, 2013, Cultural Centre of São Paulo, Exhibition Metro da Superficie II/ Sesc São Carlos, Boletim Exhibition.
Fictional project where the designer is hired to give graphic visibility to the operations of the Federal Police, baptized with names of advertising characters. Each installation is perceived as an graphic arts show therefore it is executed as a specific exhibition design.
‘This is your voice, our voice, the voice of Brazil’, 2011-2014
Research about the radio programme ‘’A voz do Brasil’’ established by Getulio Vargas, with different unfoldings: videos with images featuring modernist architecture, texts by the president and ministers broadcast on the show: audio of ‘’O Guarani’’, by Carlos Gomes; microphone open to the public; projection screen similar to an outdoor and stage; panel leaned against the walls; prints with information about the radio programme and broadcast texts.
Masters in Visual Poetics, School of Communication and Art, University of São Paulo (ECA/USP)
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Ceará. (UFC)
– “A—I—R Laboratory”, Videobrasil in Context Program, Ujazdowski, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
– “Capacete”, Capacete at 29º São Paulo Biennale, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Taller de Proyectos”, with Antoni Muntadas. Fundación Marcelino Botín, Santander, Spain
– Artists—in—residence program, MuseumsQuartier, Viena, Austria
Solo Exhibitions and Projects
– “Alguém que organiza o espaço ao seu redor”, Sem título Gallery, Fortaleza, Brazil
– “Descrito como real”, Invited artist by the exhibition program of the Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Caminhar pela cidade em um estado caótico”, A—I—R Laboratory e Videobrasil em Contexto Program, Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
– “Anfibologia, reciprocidad”, Museu experimental El Eco, Mexico City, Mexico
– “Sobrepostas, permeáveis e intercambiáveis”, Centro Cultural BNB, Fortaleza, Brazil
– “Vocabulário para repensar a cidade”, Programa de exposições Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Collective Exhibitions and Projects
– “Correspondance”, O grupo Inteiro, Far Festival, programa Coincidiencia, Pro Helvetia. Nyon, Switzerland
– “Arte-veículo”, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Mostra 3m”, O grupo Inteiro, Largo da Batata, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Estados de Emergência”, Paço das Artes, Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “A marquise o Mam e nós no meio”, O grupo Inteiro, Museu de arte moderna, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Verzuimd Braziel – Brasil Desamparado”, Curated by Josué Mattos – CNI SESI SENAI Marcantonio Vilaça Prize, Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Goiânia, Goiânia, Brazil
– 11 Bienal de Arquitetura, Casa do povo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Como se pronuncia design em português: Brasil Hoje”, Museu do Design e da Moda, Lisbon, Portugal
– “Osso Exposição-apelo pelo amplo direito de defesa de Rafael Braga”, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Contracondutas”, Projeto Basemóvel e desenvolvimento de linguagem Visual, Escola da cidade-Unifesp, Guarulhos, Brazil
– “Cartas ao prefeito”, Storefront for art and architecture, Pivô, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Campos de preposições”, O grupo inteiro, Sesc Ipiranga, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Sempre algo entre nós”, Parte do projeto Estou cá, Sesc Belenzinho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Playgrounds”, O grupo inteiro, MASP, São Paulo, Brazil
– CNI SESI SENAI Marcantônio Vilaça Prize, Mac USP, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Poipoidrome”, Frestas Trienal de Artes, Sesc Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil
– “Mano Fato Mano”, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Cidade gráfica”, Instituto Itaucultural, São Paulo, Brazil
– “A parte que não te pertence”, Kunsthaus, Wiesbaden, Germany
– “Há escolas que são gaiolas e há escolas que são asas”, Museu de arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Anotações Singularidades”, Itau Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Escavar o futuro”, Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
– 33º Brazilian art panorama, P33 Formas Únicas da continuidade no espaço, MAM, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Tropicália Negra”, Museu El Eco, Mexico City, Mexico
– “Metrô de Superfície II”, Projeto do Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Ambiguações”, CCBB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Boletim”, Galeria Millan, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Da próxima vez eu fazia tudo diferente”, Pivô, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Outras coisas visíveis sobre papel”, Galeria Leme São Paulo, Brazil
– “Desobjetos: a memória das coisas”, Mostra Sesc, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Os dez primeiros anos”, Instituto Tomie Othake, São Paulo, Brazil
– 8º Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
– “Caos e Efeito”, Instituto ItauCultural, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Esto no es un museo”, Artefatos móviles al acecho, Can Xalat, Barcelona, Spain
– “À sombra do Futuro”, Instituto Cervantes, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Residência Tatuí”, Conexão Artes Visuais, Olinda, Brazil
– “Rumos Itaucultural”, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Ecco. Brasília”, Galeria de arte Juvenal Antunes Rio Branco, Instituto Itaucultural, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Salon Light”, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Arte e Esfera Pública”, Colaboração com Graziela Kunsch, Edital Conexões MINC/Funarte, São Paulo, Brazil
– Campo Coletivo Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Sidewalk Cinema”, Viena, Austria
– “Vizinhos”, MuseumsQuartier, Viena, Austria
– “Verbo”, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– (NE) Fronteiras, fluxos e personas. , Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Brazil
– III mostra do programa de exposições, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
– Super Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Galeria Baobá, Recife, Brazil
– Bienal Ceará América — De ponta cabeça, Fortaleza, Brazil