(this page was last updated in August 2022)
Maringá, Paraná, Brazil, 1982
Lives and works between São Paulo, Brazil and Helsinki, Finland
PIPA 2016 and 2022 nominee
Artist and researcher. Postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP), PhD in Arts at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), with a Capes scholarship, and exchange at the University of Arts of Helsinki (Kuva Art Academy), Finland, via CIMO Fellowship.
His investigations are related to the deconstruction of systems and the decoding of social practices in the fields of arts, museums, visual culture and technologies. Projects recognized by Bauhaus Fellowship, ZKM, Van Abbemuseum, 33rd Bienal de São Paulo, Rumos Award, Funarte, Fapesp, University of Cambridge and CAD+SR etc.
Website: www.brunomoreschi.com
Video produced by Do Rio Filmes to PIPA Prize 2022:
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