Carlito Carvalhosa

(this page was last updated in March 2018)

Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Member of the PIPA Prize Nominating Committee 2012 and 2016.

Carvalito Carvalhosa (São Paulo, Brazil, 1961) is a painter and a sculptor. He studied metal engraving at Sergio Fingermann’s studio, and graduated in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo in 1984. In the 1980’s he joined the Group Casa 7, in São Paulo.
Lived in Berlin, Cologne and Germany between 1989-1992. He participated, amongst other exhibitions, at the São Paulo Biennial; Havana Biennial; ‘Biennial Brazil XX Century; Mercosul Biennial, “Côte à Côte Art Contemporain du Brésil” at CAPC in Bordeaux, France.
In 2008, he presented “Corredor”, at the “Projeto Parede” of the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, “Apagador”, Solar do Unhão, Salvador; “Estou lá”, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro; “Faz Parte” at Raquel Arnaud Gallery and at Galeria Milan in São Paulo, and “Meus olhos”, Solar do Barão, Curitiba.
In 2009 participated in the exhibition “Experimentando espaços” at the Museu Casa Brasileira in São Paulo.
In 2010 he produced the first exhibition “Roteiro para visitação” within the Programme “Ocupas” at the Palácio da Aclamação in Salvador, Bahia; the exhibition “A Soma dos Dias”, in the Project “Octógono” at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, and the exhibition “Melhor Assim” at the SOSO+ cultural space, in São Paulo. In 2011 he had the following exhibitions: “Qualquer direção”, at Galeria Silvia Cintra + Box 4, in Rio de Janeiro; “Regra de dois”, at the Eva Klabin Foundation (Projeto Respiração), Rio de Janeiro; “Sum of days”, MoMA, New York, and “Lugar Comum” at the Laura Alvim Culture House, Rio de Janeiro. In 2012, Carvalhosa exhibited “Shift” at Sonnabend Gallery, New York. Most recent exhibitions and participations include: “Precaução de Contato”, Galeria Nara Roesler, São Paulo, 2014; “Rio”, MoMA, New York, 2014; “Possibility Matters”, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, 201 and “Waiting Room”, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, 2013.

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