Salvador, Brazil, 2002.
Reflections about daily life, its singularities, randomness and humor, these are the key points of GIA – The Group of Ambience Interference. The group is formed by Art educators, designers and visual artists, who have in common the friendship and the admiration for contemporary artistic languages. GIA avoids any attempts for a definition. Their practices are based on conceptual art, in which the status of the art like commodity is denied to an ephemeral process. Their works involve the artist and the public, looking for the reconfiguration of the relation between both. The aesthetic of GIA is based on simplicity and irony, intending to show that art is inextricably linked to the life.
Currently part of GIA: Everton Marco Santos, Tiago Ribeiro, Ludmila Britto, Tininha Llanos, Mark Dayves Cristiano Piton and Luis Parras.