(this page was last updated in March 2020)
São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.
Represented by Galeria Vermelho.
PIPA 2016 nominee.
Graduated in Fine Arts at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado in 2010. His works transit between video, performance and installation, investigating the relations between history, art, culture, politics, resistance and transformation. His works can be found in permanent collections as Coleção Figueiredo Ferraz (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil), Collecion Konex, (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Recently directed the feature film ‘Proxy Reverso’ in collaboration with the artist Roberto Winter. The film was presented at the Cinema Festival Semana dos Realizadores, and won three awards: editing and inventing, award ABD- independent audiovisual and special jury award.
Participated in group exhibitions as: ‘Verbo’, Galeria Vermelho, 2009 (São Paulo, Brazil), ‘À Sombra do Futuro’, Instituto Cervantes, (São Paulo, Brazil), ‘Ensaios de Geopoéticas’ – 8ª Mercosul Biennial, 2011 (Porto Alegre, Brazil), ‘Panoramas do Sul’ – 17° International Festival of Contemporary Art Videobrasil, 2011, SESC Belenzinho (São Paulo, Brazil), FLAM III [Forum of Live Art Amsterdam] – Arti et Amicitiae, 2012 (Amsterdam, Netherlands), ‘Gravura em campo expandido’, Pinacoteca do Estado, 2012 (São Paulo, Brazil), ‘Amor e ódio a Lygia Clark’, Zacheta National Gallery, 2013 (Warsaw, Poland), ‘La Historia la escriben los vencedores’, Espacio OTR, 2014 (Madrid, Spain) ‘The part that doesn’t belong to you’, Wiesbaden, Kunsthaus, 2014 (Wisbaden, Germany) ‘The buling point’, PSM gallery, 205 (Berlin, Germany). Solo exhibitions include: ‘Palácio da Eternidade e a Valsa dos Esquecidos’ Palácio das Artes, 2013 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) and ‘U=RI’, Galeria Vermelho, 2013 (São Paulo, Brazil).
Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2016:
“Retrato do presidente”, 2019. Duration: 32’55”
“Safeword”, 2018. Duration: 22’28” (video)
“Escola sem partido”, 2017. Duration: 19’25”
“Quando todas as possibilidades de sanidade mental se extinguirem”, 2017. Duration: 33’22”
“ESTUDO PARA FESTIVAL AO SER SUPREMO: – PRIMEIRO ATO (Robespierre lecionando sobre a falência revolucionária); – SEGUNDO ATO (Homenagem à Charlotte Corday e a descarga dos Sans-Culottes), 2016. Duration: 43’20”
“Proxy Reverso”, 2014-2015. Duration: 88′
“Le retour des sans-culotte”, 2013-2016. Duration: 29’00’’
“Student”, 2012. Duration: 12’11”
“Invisible enemy”, 2011. Duration: 15’51”
“Robespierre and the attempt to retake the Revolution”, 2010. Duration: 9’34’’
“Attempt to evoke the spirit of Joseph Beuys around this space”, 2009
Description of works:
– “Self-portrait with Roosevelt, Lénin e Hitler”, 2009
“Self-portrait with Roosvelt, Lénin e Hittler” is a work composed by four images, one of them being a self-portrait, and official portraits of Roosevelt, Lenin and Hitler, executed through a process of oxidation on iron plates, the four plates are connected by an electric circuit which powers an electric motor, which constantly rotates on its axis. The surface of the plates maintains electrocution whilst the work is assembled. In case one of the plates is switched off, the circuit stops working, similar to a living organism, where every part depends on the operation of the other.
– “Oath at the shadow of the repulic”, 2013
“Oath at the shadow of the repulic” consists of a copy in drawing of the painting “Oath of the Horatii” by Jacques-Louis David. In the reproduction the swords (central element of the painting) were removed from the drawings and printed on through a screen printing on a glass, on the frame of the work. A reflector projects a light on the screen printing on glass, allowing for the swords to cast a shadow on the drawing. The reflector is connected to the frame of the work, which is made of iron, turning it into a sort of electric fence.
– “Student”, 2012
Action executed on the 29th November, 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I placed a sheave on the ceiling and put a rope through it. I tied my arm around one end of the rope and the other tip a box. The action began when I placed a few art history books inside the box and tried to draw and make observations about the books with my hand tied to the rope. In order to reach the paper with the pencil I had to lift the weight of the same books I was trying to draw, so that the weight of the object on which I was drawing conditioned my drawing. Thoughout the action, I gradually placed more and more books, making the act of drawing more difficult. The action action lasted more than four hours, but before I could reach my physical limit, the sheave got caught.
– “Invisible enemy”, 2011
Invisible enemy is a video in a unique sequence plan. A tense situation develops without a conclusion, as a unfulfilled promise of an achievement: a soldier, in an unidentified place, pursues an enemy who does not identify himself.
– “Robespierre and the attempt to retake the Revolution”, 2010
“Robespierre and the attempt to retake the Revolution”, is video about the political life of Robespierre, who was one of the most radical and respected French revolutionaries, and also a republican icon. The video is divided in five scenes which demonstrates pathetic actions, leading to a collapse.
– “Holy Land”, 2013
The oxidated iron plate shows the image of the dessert of Israel, whilst a soldering iron burn a passage of the Torah that speaks about the holy land. The plate and the soldering iron are connected to the same circuit, if a part of the circuit is turned off, the whole circuit stops working.
– “Attempt to evoke the spirit of Joseph Beuys around this space”, 2009
Action performed at Galeria Vermelho during the exhibition “Verbo 2009”, where I attempt to evoke the spirit of Joseph Beuys wearing an outfit similar to Beuys’ and using materials which he utilised in his works, such as felt, copper and lard and aggregating a skateboard as an instrument of action.
– “I want to be the best way possible”, 2013
“I want to be the best way possible”is a work composed by three iron plates painted with liquid insulating tape (product used to subsitute the insulating tape, avoiding electricity to go through its surface), in the three plates, the areas which are not covered by liquid insulating tape, form lines which compose drawings by the artist Josef Albers. The three plates are connected to an electrical circuit which powers a television monitor, showcasig a video in loop of several skateboarders attempting to do tricks but not being able to complete them. The energy which powers the television monitor goes through the lines which forms Albers’ drawings, if one of the plates is turned off, the monitor stops working.
– “Le retour des sans-culotte”, 2013-2016
“Le retour des sans-culotte” is a film that aims to investigate, through a peculiar narrative, the political dispute in Brazil and the world from 2013. It appropriates representations of the first group of urban guerrilla group in history, “the sans culotte”, who had a major political influence during the French Revolution. Each of the allusions that the video traces, leads back to the foreign body formed by the European headquarters of the ordering of knowledge. The film emulates them, but does not take own them. In fact, it revolts against how much they do not belong to it. Worse, how much them seem unable to contain contradictions facing the unpalatable reality of the present.
Solo Shows
– “U=RI”, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Palácio da Eternidade e a Valsa dos Esquecidos’, Palácio das Artes, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Group Shows
– “The part that doesn’t belong to you’, Wiesbaden Kunsthaus, Wisbaden, Germany
– Verbo 2014. Mostra de Performance Arte (10ª ed.), Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Transperformance 3: Corpo Estranho’, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “La Historia la escriben los vencedores’, Espacio OTR, Madrid, Spain
– “Deslize’, Museum of Art of Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
– “Amor e ódio a Lygia Clark’, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
– “Verbo 2013: mostra de performance arte’ [9ª edition], Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– Red Bull House of Art, Red Bull Station, São Paulo, Brazil
– Paraty em Foco 2013 – Paraty, Brazil
– 1a Bienal de Montevideo: ‘El Gran Sur’, Fundacion Bienal de Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay
– “Da próxima vez eu fazia tudo diferente’ – Pivô / COPAN, São Paulo, Brazil
– “É preciso confrontar as imagens vagas com os gestos claros’ – Oficina Cultural Oswaldo de Andrade, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Verbo 2012 / Programa I’, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Gravura em campo expandido’, Pinacoteca do Estado, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Além da Forma: Plano, matéria, espaço e tempo’, Institute Figueiredo Ferraz, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
– FLAM III [Forum of Live Art Amsterdam], Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, Netherlands
– Panoramas do Sul – 17° Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporânea SESC Videobrasil [itinerancia], Mauritius Island
– Panoramas do Sul / 17º Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporânea SESC_Videobrasil [itinerancia], SESC Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
– Panoramas do Sul / 17º Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporânea SESC_Videobrasil [itinerancia], SESC São José do Rio Preto, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
– Panoramas do Sul / 17º Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporânea SESC_Videobrasil [itinerancia], SESC Santos, Santos, Brazil
– “Contra a Parede, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– Panoramas do Sul – 17° Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporânea Videobrasil, SESC Belenzinho, São Paulo, Brazil
– 8ª Bienal do Mercosul: ‘Ensaios de Geopoéticas’, Porto Alegre, Brazil
– “Nada se Ensaia: procura-se a Falha’, Galeria Mendes Wood, São Paulo, Brazil
– Red Bull House of Art, São Paulo, Brazil
– ’20 Poucos Anos’, Galeria Baró, São Paulo, Brazil
– “À Sombra do Futuro’, Instituto Cervantes, São Paulo, Brazil
– Prêmio EDP nas Artes, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Verbo 2010′, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Aluga-se’, São Paulo, Brazil
– “VÃO’, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Experiência Hélio Oiticica’, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
– “Verbo 2009′, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
– 40ª Anual de Arte FAAP, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado [FAAP], São Paulo, Brazil
Artistic Residences
– URRA, Art Residency Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Private Collections open to the Public
– Coleção Figueiredo Ferraz, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
– Collecion Konex, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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