Leandra Espírito Santo

(this page was last updated in November 2021)

Volta Redonda, Brazil, 1983.

Lives and works between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil.

PIPA 2016 nominee.

Leandra Espírito Santo is a visual artist. She started her artistic production in 2010 and develops hybrid works using media such as performance, video, photography, installation and objects. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF / Niterói, RJ), a masters and doctorate in Visual Arts from the School of Communications and Arts at USP (ECA / USP, SP). Her first works problematize some modes of production, putting the artisanal, the artistic and the factory in perspective. Experiencing series production practices, the artist creates tools and machines that assist these processes. Her interest turns to thinking about this overlap between body and technologies, reflecting on a certain circularity of this connection, where it is not known to identify who is subordinate to whom – she still thinks about the standards that are established not only for the objects produced, but also for the bodies that produce them. In recent years, when telecommunication devices have become an attached part of the body, the artist begins a new series of works that are interested in thinking about the way in which the construction of subjectivity has taken place in virtual spaces, the way in which the subject builds his public image, the different languages ​​that emerge in this interaction, as well as the gaps that end up between the reproduction of reality and reality itself.

Website: leandraespiritosanto.net & www.instagram.com/disponivel_holyghost

Video produced by Matrioska Filmes exclusively for PIPA 2016:

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