PIPA Online 2016

(this page was last updated in January 2017)

The online category of PIPA happened in two rounds. The 1st was from 17th until 24th July. The 2nd was from 31st July until August 7th. The artists participating in the 2nd round were those who received a minimum of 500 votes during the 1st round. Out of the 63 participating artists, 10 were classified for the 2nd round.

Almost 10,700 votes, distributed amongst the 10 participating artists, were calculated during the 2nd round.

PIPA Online 2016 winner was Jaider Esbell, who received 3789 votes at the end of the 2nd round and was awarded with R$10 thousand. Arissana Pataxó, won in second place, the artist received 3686 votes and was awarded R$5 thousand. Both artists will donate a work to PIPA Institute (to be defined as a mutual agreement between the artists and the Coordination of the Institute)

Artists awarded in 2016:

Jaider Esbell

Amazon Makushi Indian. Esbell’s works further skews the chaos of human and non-human expressions. Forest forces and beings emanate from the art of the son of time, and of all the influences: ancestry, knowledge, memory, dialogues, contemporary plasticity, global politics, local beings, visual shamanism, power. Word, image, sound, silence – communication in all languages. Esbell’s art requires, beyond the senses, immersion.

Arissana Pataxó

Graduated in Fine Arts at the School of Fine Arts at UFBA- Federal University of Bahia (2009). Born in Porto Seguro from a Pataxó ethnicity. Develops her artistic production in various techniques by approaching the indigenous thematic as part of the contemporary world. Arissana had her first solo exhibition in 2007, Sob o olhar Pataxó at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, UFBA, Salvador, Brazil. Since then, she has entered in the artistic world by participating in several exhibitions.

View images of works by the awarded artists:

View the final score of the artists who participated in the 2nd round of PIPA Online 2016:

Jaider Esbell – 3789 (winner)
Arissana Pataxó – 3686 (second place runner-up)
Matias Mesquita – 922
Alexandre Mury – 627
Isaías Sales – 286
Moisés Patrício – 461
Naiana Magalhães – 431
Ingrid Bittar – 233
Leandra Espirito Santo – 176
Adriana Vignoli – 221

About PIPA Online

PIPA Online is the category of the Prize in which all participating artists of this current edition are invited to participate. Participation is no mandatory. The winner is defined by the number of votes received on his/hers page, here on the website. The main objective is to support and promote all nominees and Brazilian contemporary art through the internet.

PIPA Online Regulation

The voting occurs in two shifts, lasting eight days each, always from Sunday to Sunday. During this period, website visitors should access the pages of the participating artists in order to vote. The winner is the artist who receives the highest number of votes in his/her page, here on the website. In order to vote you should have an active Facebook account.

Only the artists who receive a minimum of 500 votes on the 1st round will move on to the 2nd round. The votes will be reset after the end of the 1st round and will start again at 2nd round.

The winner will be the artist who receives the highest number of votes on his/her page at the end of the 2nd round. The winner will receive R$ 10 thousand. The artist with the second highest number of votes will receive R$ 6 thousand. Both artists will donate a work to PIPA Institute (to be defined as a mutual agreement between the artists and the Coordination of the Institute).

In the case of only one artist receiving 500 votes in the 1st round, he/she will be declared the winner and there won’t be a 2nd round. If no artist receives 500 votes in the 1st round, there will be no winner.

PIPA Online 2016 Schedule

17th July – 1º round of PIPA Online begins
24th July – 1º round of PIPA Online ends
31th July– 2º round of PIPA Online begins
7th August – 2º round of PIPA Online ends
8th August – PIPA Online winner announcement

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA