PIPA Online

(this page was last updated in August 2019)

The online category of PIPA Prize has new policies regarding the voting system and the awards this year. Created in 2010, its aim is to “include, give visibility and promote artists whose institutional presence is not yet widespread,” in the words of the PIPA Institute curator Luiz Camillo Osorio. All the artists of the current edition can participate, but it is not obligatory. This year, 56 out of the 67 artists will take part in the competition.

The 1st round of PIPA Online 2019 went from June 30th through the July 7th, featuring 56 of the 67 artists nominated for the tenth edition of the Prize. When the polls closed, on July 7th at midnight (Brasília, Brazil time), 14551 votes were registrated and ten artists obtained the minimum score of 500 votes to participate in the 2nd round of PIPA Online. They were: Agrippina R. Manhattan  (908), Denilson Baniwa (738), Panmela Castro (592), Bia Leite (579), Yhuri Cruz  (540), Luiz d’Orey  (526), Pedro Gandra  (525), Gê Viana (521), Maxwell Alexandre  (507), Thiago Barbalho (502).

The votes were zeroed and the counting began again in the 2nd round which, in took place from July 14th through 21st.


Having accumulated 1474 votes by the end of the 2nd round, Denilson Baniwa was the winner of PIPA Online 2019 and received a donation of R$ 15.000. The artist must donate a work of his own to PIPA Institute, to be decided in a common agreement between the artist and the PIPA Board.


See how the scoreboard was at the end of the 2nd round:

Denilson Baniwa – 1474
Agrippina R. Manhattan – 1394
Panmela Castro  – 1216
Thiago Barbalho – 982
Gê Viana – 952
Yhuri Cruz – 878
Maxwell Alexandre – 864
Bia Leite – 830
Pedro Gandra – 670
Luiz d’Orey – 630

Click here to see the winner announcement post!


1st round
30/06 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
02/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
02/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
03/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
04/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
05/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
06/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
07/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)

2nd round
14/07 –  1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
15/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
16/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
17/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
18/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
19/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
20/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)
21/07 – 1st bulletin (11 am) | 2nd bulletin (3 pm)3rd bulletin (7 pm)


As in the previous editions, PIPA Online is divided in two shifts. Only the artists who reach a minimum of 500 votes in the 1st round are able to participate in the 2nd round. Once the 1st round ends, all votes are zeroed. The counting begins again by the beginning of the second round.

In 2019, a new voting system was implemented aiming to improve the safety and control over fraudes during the process: until last year, the voting was associated to the user’s faceboook account. In this edition, it will be done via email. It’s simple: by clicking the “vote” button on the selected artist’s page, the visitor must enter their email, to where a verification code will be sent. After copying and pasting the code into the voting window on the site, you will need to confirm a captcha (a simple security question) and then your vote is registered!

The system of three minimum mandatory votes, established in 2018, still remains this year. Once you have validated your email on the first vote, you do not have to redo the email verification process for the other two required votes – simply enter the page of the chosen artists and click “vote” that your vote will be automatically registered.

In the case of only one artist receiving 500 votes in the 1st round, he/she will be declared the winner and there won’t be the 2nd round. If no artist receives 500 votes in the 1st round, there will be no winner.

This year, PIPA Online will award only one artist: the most voted artist by the end of the the 2nd round receives a donation of R$ 15.000,00.


June 30th – 1st round of PIPA Online begins
July 07th – End of PIPA Online’s 1st round
July 14th – PIPA Online’s 2nd round begins
July 21st – End of PIPA Online 2nd round
July 22nd – PIPA Online Winner announcement

How to vote

Watch the following tutorial in order to learn how to vote on your favourite artists on PIPA Online 2019. It’s important to stress that your votes won’t be validated unless you vote in at least three different artists.

PIPA respects the freedom of expression and warns that some images of works published on this site may be considered inappropriate for those under 18 years of age Copyright © Instituto PIPA