(this page was last updated in July 2019)
PIPA Prize is an initiative of PIPA Institute. It was designed to promote and give visibility to Brazilian art and artists and to encourage the domestic production of contemporary art.
PIPA Prize aims to reward artists with promising trajectories that are already known in the Brazilian art circuit. They are nominated by bBrazilian contemporary art experts. The participating artists run in two different categories: PIPA Prize and PIPA Online, as defined forward in this Regulation.
1 – Definitions
For purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions are taken:
1.1) PIPA Board: senior management board of PIPA including representatives of PIPA Institute and other renowned art experts, Brazilian or foreign, who work within the field of contemporary art.
1.2) PIPA Coordination: a team of employees and volunteers from PIPA Institute.
1.3) Nominating Committee: A group of 20 (twenty) to 40 (forty) renowned professionals, Brazilian or foreign, that work within the field of contemporary art, invited by PIPA’s Board, of which each member will nominate up to 3 (three) names of artists qualified to participate in the PIPA.
1.4) Nominated Artist: artist indicated by at least one member of the Nominating Committee.
1.5) Participating Artist: artist who, indicated by at least one member of the Nomination Committee, signs the “Terms of Participation” and accomplishes all the requirements of PIPA Coordination within the terms fixed.
1.6) Finalists Artists: the 4 (four) selected artists by PIPA’s Board, amongst the Participating Artists (qualified above on item 1.5)
1.7) Award Jury: a group of 5 (five) to 7 (seven) members, invited by PIPA Board, who will elect the winner of PIPA amongst the 4 (four) finalists.
1.8) PIPA 2019 Winner: the artist selected by the Award Jury amongst the four finalists.
1.9) PIPA Online: category in which all the Participating Artists (qualified above on item 1.5), are invited to take part in an internet vote.
1.10) PIPA Online 2019 Winner: the artist with the highest number of votes after the second round of the online voting category award.
1.11) PIPA Institute, based in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, at Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 509 casa 1, Ipanema,CEP 22410-003, CNPJ/MF # 11.760.852/0001-05
1.12) Villa Aymoré, based in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro, at Ladeira da Glória, 26, Glória, CEP 22211-120.
2 – Governance
2.1) The PIPA Board 2019 eight (8) members are:
○ Flávio Pinheiro
○ Kiki Mazzucchelli
○ Lucrécia Vinhaes
○ Luís Antônio Almeida Braga
○ Luiz Camillo Osorio
○ Moacir dos Anjos
○ Roberto Vinhaes
○ Tadeu Chiarelli
2.2) The PIPA Board have the following duties:
(i) Contribute to the credibility and visibility of PIPA, coordinating its management and execution.
(ii) Ensure compliance with the rules of PIPA, especially this Regulation.
(iii) Coordinate the process of selecting members of the Nominating Committee and members of the Award Jury.
(iv) Discuss and propose possible changes in PIPA’s Regulation.
(v) Decide, ultimately, about all the possible omissions and all the questions that may be presented in connection with this Regulation and PIPA.
3- Participation
3.1) Participation in PIPA is free and takes place only through the acceptance of the invitation by the Nominated Artists.
3.2) The selection of the participating artists in PIPA 2019 will occur as follows:
3.2.1) Each member of the Nominating Committee will nominate up to 3 (three) artists based on the criteria of being an artist with a recent and promising trajectory, already highlighted in the Brazilian contemporary art scene. The members of the Nominating Committee must have in mind the value of the award for the artistic development of the winner’s career. Gallerists who are members of the Nominating Committee may not indicate artists who are represented by them.
3.2.2) PIPA’s Coordination will invite the Nominated Artists to take part in PIPA. Become Participating Artists those who sign the “Terms of Participation” and accomplish all the requirements of PIPA Coordination within the terms fixed.
3.3) PIPA’s Board will select from amongst the Participating Artists 4 (four) finalists, having as parameters the number of indications received in the current edition and throughout the Prize’s history, the portfolio and the artist’s page at PIPA website.
3.3.1) The 4 (four) finalists should present artwork(s) of their own authorship, preferably but not necessarily new, for the exhibition to be held at Instituto PIPA’s exhibition space at Villa Aymoré under the curatorship of Luiz Camillo Osorio. The artists can present works in any media or format.
3.4) Participation in PIPA, as well as the accuracy of information provided for PIPA Coordination, are the sole responsibility of the participants.
3.5) Neither members of the Nominating Committee nor members of the Award Jury may not be accepted as PIPA Participating Artists.
3.6) PIPA winners elected by the Award Jury in previous editions of the Award can not be nominated. All other participants, even the winners in other categories can compete in new editions.
3.7) Criteria for disqualification and exclusion from PIPA:
3.7.1) Artists who do not fit in the nominating requirements.
3.7.2) Artworks that are not made by the Participating Artists.
3.7.3) Participants who commit any kind of fraud.
3.8) May also be disqualified and excluded from PIPA:
3.8.1) Artists who do not present all required documents within the time limit established by PIPA Coordination.
3.8.2) Nominations by members of the Nominating Committee received after the time limit established by PIPA Coordination.
4- Awards
4.1) All Participating Artists will be entitled to:
4.1.1) Profile page at PIPA website, Portuguese version (www.pipa.org.br)
4.1.2) Profile page at PIPA website, English version (www.pipaprize.com)
4.1.3) Take part in a video produced exclusively for PIPA 2019 to be published on PIPA’s websites.
4.1.4) Insertion in print edition of PIPA 2019 catalog.
PIPA Online
4.2) PIPA Online category will happen in two rounds. Artists who obtain more than 500 votes in the first round move on to the second round. The score will be reset to the beginning of the second round.
4.2.1) The artist who obtains the highest number of votes at the end of the second round of the online voting is the PIPA Online 2019 Winner and receives R$15,000 (fifteen thousand Reais).
4.2.2) If only one artist receives more than 500 votes in the first round, he/she will be announced PIPA Online Winner without the need of a second round.
4.2.3) If no artist receives more than 500 votes in the first round, there will be no PIPA Online Winner.
4.2.4) In the first round, there is no limit for the number of artists voters can vote in. However, each visitor has to vote in at least three different artists for his/her votes to be validated.
4.2.5) In the second round, there is also no limit for the number of artists, amongst the classified for the 2º round, voters can vote in. However, one vote only is enough for the vote be validated, which means there is no longer a minimum of three obligatory votes.
PIPA Finalists
4.3) The 4 (four) finalists will be entitled to:
4.3.1) Highlighted insertion in PIPA 2019 catalog, including a critical text written exclusively for the catalog by an art critic of the artist’s choice. The art critic will receive a payment established by PIPA Institute.
4.3.2) Donation of R$ 30.000,00 (thirty thousand Reais) to each of the finalist’s, of which R$ 15.,000 (fifteen thousand Reais) is given when signed the “Terms of Participation” and accomplished all documentation and requirements of PIPA Coordination. The other half (R$ 15.,000) is given when the artist donates an artwork of his/her own authorship to Instituto PIPA, along with the Authenticity Certificate, between the moment the artist is announced as a finalist until the last day of the exhibition. The work must be chosen by PIPA’s Board in agreement with the artists.
4.4) The Award Jury will select, during an Assembly, the winner based on the portfolio, the artwork(s) presented at the Finalist’s Exhibition and on the votes given by the public when visiting the exhibition held at Villa Aymoré. Considering that the prize aims to contribute with the development of a project of the artist’s interest (as a publication, a commissioned work, a travel for research, a artistic residency, a website, an exhibition etc), each artist must present a project to the Award Jury, indicating their intentions, what they want to do, the steps, the costs and the deadline for accomplishment. The weight of the factors is to the members of the Award Jury sole discretion, and may even vary each year.
The PIPA 2019 Winner elected by the Award Jury will be entitled to:
4.4.1) Additional donation of R$ 30.000,00 (thirty thousand Reais) for the development of a project or work to be proposed to the Award Jury in a explanatory letter, according to the previous item.
4.5) Awards – Additional information
4.5.1) The same artist may win PIPA and PIPA Online.
4.5.2) The finalist(s) who not comply with the requirements of this Regulation will be disqualified and will lose the award(s).
4.5.3) The use of images that will comprise PIPA’s annual catalog, referred as an award , on the terms of item 4.1, shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Participating Artists themselves, which should submit the image file according to the request by PIPA Coordination.
5- Artists’ duties
5.1) All values of donation to artists described in this Regulation correspond to the total disbursement to be made by PIPA Institute. It is up to artists and / or their galleries, when applicable, to afford all expenses relating their respective participation in PIPA and the fulfillment of the obligations established herein, including but not limited to travel tickets, food, insurance, assembly and disassembly, transport of works, delivery of works donated, payment of any taxes or penalties for ECAD (when he or she uses music in its works), etc.
5.1.2) Sound and image/projection equipment should be taken by the artist, unless there is the possibility of making use of PIPA’s Institute own equipment. The exhibition space of each artist is defined by the coordinator and designer of the exhibition, taking into account the singularities and needs of each work and the conditions of the gallery at Villa Aymoré. All changes must be evaluated by the exhibition coordinator and will be decided in common agreement with the artists.
5.2) All amounts donated by PIPA Institute to the artists are gross, ie any taxes, fees, contributions, fines, interest on late payments, etc. are the responsibility of the Participating Artists.
5.3) The Finalists Artists are encouraged to present new works, but this is not a requirement of PIPA. The organization suggests that according to the dimensions of the work, the artist presents more than one work. The participating artist is solely responsible for the rights of their works and will be held responsible for the authorship of the same, and will be held judicially responsible in the case of forgery or any questioning regarding the veracity of the informed authorship.
5.3.1) The finalists should present a proposal of the work(s) that will be shown at the finalists’ exhibition to PIPA’s Institute curatorial team at least one month before the opening of the show.
5.3.2) The finalists should present a project to be commissioned by PIPA’s Institute through the donation of R$ 30.000,00 (thirty thousand Reais) if the winner, as indicated in item 4.5. This project is one of the elements evaluated by the Award Jury to make the definition of the winner. If the winning artist’s project is a multiple work (eg. photography, video, book, etc), an edition of the work will be donated to PIPA Institute. If the winning artist’s project is an artistic residency, an exhibition, a publication, a video or any other project, PIPA Prize and PIPA Institute should be credited in it’s realization.
5.4) Each one of the four (4) finalists agrees to donate an artwork of his/her own to PIPA Institute, as well as transfer or assign any pecuniary rights relating to the donated works, such as reproduction, transmission, and exhibition for PIPA Institute.
5.4.1) PIPA’s Institute Board members and curator, in agreement with PIPA Prize 2019 finalists, will choose the works PIPA Institute will receive as the donation. The donation should be done any moment between signature of the Term of Participation and the end of the exhibition at Villa Aymoré.
5.4.2) The donated work by each of the four finalists must be delivered accompanied by the Authenticity Certificate.
5.5) The PIPA Online 2019 Winner shall donate an artwork of their own for PIPA Institute, chosen by PIPA’s Board in agreement with the artists, as well as transfer or assign any pecuniary rights relating to the donated works, such as reproduction, transmission, and exhibition.
5.5.1) The PIPA Online 2019 Winner will receive a donation of R$ 15.,000,00 (fifteen thousand Reais) described in item 4.2.1, after the donation of an work of his/her authorship to PIPA Institute, accompanied by it‘s Authenticity Certificate.
5.6) The participants of PIPA Prize, including the winners, assume full and sole responsibility in respect of all and any claims by third parties who were disadvantaged by their participation.
5.7) The participants of PIPA Prize, including the winners, allow the use of their names, images and voices, free of charges in all PIPA Prize, PIPA Institute, and PIPA Global Investment publishing.
5.8) The finalists of PIPA Prize allow the use of their names, images and voices, free of charges in any publicity of PIPA Prize, PIPA Institute, PIPA Global Investment or Villa Aymoré.
6 – General
6.1) The PIPA Institute and Villa Aymoré are exempt, with the express agreement of the participants, from any liability in case of technical problems which may, temporarily or permanently, modify or prevent the disclosure of any content of PIPA Prize.
6.2) The PIPA Prize is purely cultural in character, not involving any kind of chance or connection with the purchase of products or services and therefore not dependent on any official agency authorization, pursuant to Law 5.768/71 and other applicable legal provisions.
6.3) The PIPA Institute reserve the right, at its own discretion, to change the terms of this Regulation, informing participants in advance, by notices on PIPA Prize website, always bound by legal principles and respect for the participants.
6.4) The selection and judging criteria are set directly by PIPA Board and the Award Jury, whose decisions are final and sovereign and there will no possible revisions.
6.5) Loss of entitlement to the prize will occur if the winner is unable to receive it. In this case, the right to the award will be transferred to the participant ranked in the subsequent position.
6.6) Any question, dispute or situation not covered by this Regulation shall be assessed and decided by PIPA Board, whose decision is sovereign and unappealable.
6.7) Participation in PIPA Prize implies full agreement with this Regulation.
6.8) This is a free translation from the Regulation in its official version, in Portuguese.
7 – Timetable
7.1) PIPA Prize 2019 will have the following schedule:
- 25 January (Friday) – PIPA 2019 Launching – Ninth edition of the Prize, together with the announcement of the Board the disclosure of the Regulation & Schedule
- 22 February (Friday) – Nominating Committee announcement
- From 11 March through 15 March ( Monday to Friday) – Announcement of the Nominees
- 24 May (Friday) – Announcement of PIPA’s 2019 finalists
- 30 June (Sunday) – 7 July (sunday) – PIPA Online’s first round
- 14 July (Sunday) – 21 July (Sunday) – PIPA Online’s second round
- 22 July (Monday) – PIPA Online Winner announcement
- 10 August (Saturday) – PIPA Prize 2019 exhibition opening at Villa Aymoré
- 23 August – Award Jury announcement
- 20 September (Friday) – PIPA Prize 2019 Winner announcement
- 28 September (Sunday) – End of PIPA’s exhibition and launching of the catalog
7.2) Although great efforts are made by PIPA Institute and MAM-Rio always looking for compliance to follow this schedule, given to a large number of participants and matters involved, it is not possible to guarantee total compliance.
8 – Communication
8.1) PIPA’s main vehicle of communication is through its own site (www.premiopipa.com and www.pipaprize.com).
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